Issue with BlockPlayersAboveNether
Closed this issue · 4 comments
On my server, players are affected by BlockPlayersAboveNether option but it's disabled.
I've tried many thing like add nether world in ExcludeNetherWorldFromHeightCheck, with command, same issue after a server restart.
We using Paper 1.15.2 and IllegalStack 2.1.2a
Could you fix this please ?
If you are editing config.yml manually with the server running you MUST do /istack reload BEFORE restarting the server. Or you can do /istack toggle BlockPlayersAboveNether And the changes should be instant, no need to reload or restart the server.
If you are editing config.yml manually with the server running you MUST do /istack reload BEFORE restarting the server. Or you can do /istack toggle BlockPlayersAboveNether And the changes should be instant, no need to reload or restart the server.
Same issue, the option is correctly disabled but my players and me are still affected by the issue.
Alright I will check into this and see if I can reproduce the issue on my end
Issue not caused by this plugin but by CMI, i close this issue.