PreventHeadInsideBlocks prevents sitting on stairs
x1p opened this issue · 6 comments
Exploits.MineCart.PreventHeadInsideBlocks prevents players from sitting on a chair.
I use a function in CMI as a chair plugin. When a player want to "sit" on a stair, illegalstack prevents the action with the message:
Stopped PlayersName 's head from being inside a solid block while in a ARMOR_STAND @ Location{world=CraftWorld{name=world},x=-190.5,y=62.8,z=378.8,pitch=0.0,yaw=0.0}
Aparently the invisible armorstand which holds the player during the sitting conflicts and is detected as glitch.
IllegalStack v2.1.7c
Paper 1.16.1
HMMMM. I thought I could easily fix this by just ignoring players riding armor stands, but that would allow people to totally bypass the protection by using stairs as chairs. Does this happen every time? or just when they have a block just above their head?
Yes it still happens, even under clear sky.
I use the sit function of CMI. Other servers might be using Betterchair (or equal). So I tried that one too. But the result is the same.
Okay I just updated IllegalStack last night 2.2.0c if you’ll be so kind as to try with that version, you’ll probably still get ejected but there should be a new debug message in the console that tells the block type at the players head. This should help me sort it out.
istack 2.2.0e:
When trying to sit with this setting enabled:
Stopped Player123's head from being inside a solid block while in a ARMOR_STAND @ Location{world=CraftWorld{name=world},x=20.5,y=2.8,z=-23.8,pitch=0.0,yaw=0.0}
Debug: block above was: GRASS_BLOCK
I turned this setting off, so it's not a deal breaker for me anymore
Neat it thinks the grass block which I assume is under the “chair” is at the players eye location... I’ll do some experiments with this and see if I can find a solution
IllegalStack version 2.8 is now out, if you are still experiencing this issue please open a new ticket.