
AllowBypass is broken on 1.16.3

TheForgottenKing opened this issue · 5 comments

I have AllowBypass enabled in config.yml and FixIllegalEnchantments enabled, but upon trying to enchant an item illegally the enchantments are reset anyway.

Minecraft Version: 1.16.3
Software: Paper
Version: Newest from spigot

dniym commented

Whenever you edit config.yml manually you MUST do /istack reload BEFORE RESTARTING the server

Alternatively you can use the in game commands /istack prot to toggle them without reloading the config or restarting the server.

I have done that.
Allow Bypass is enabled
But this still happens

I am opped while testing this. I do not have a permissions plugin.

dniym commented

It says right at the top of that menu that “[ON] Fix Illegal Enchantment Levels”

Click the word ON in chat.. it will toggle off

I want the protection on, but I want to be able to bypass it with op. Is this possible?

dniym commented

IllegalStack version 2.8 is now out, if you are still experiencing this issue please open a new ticket.