
Pig Latin translator

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

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Pig Latin translator

piglatin is a fast pipeline Pig Latin translator written in Go. The project was created only for purpose of learning Golang. It intentionally does not contain any third-party packages.


dnozdrin codecov dnozdrin License Release


The algorithm of work

  • Ensures proper capitalization
  • Correct upper case and lower case formatting
  • Correctly translates "qu" (e.g., ietquay instead of uietqay)
  • Differentiates between "Y" as vowel and "Y" as consonant (e.g. yellow = ellowyay and style = ylestay)
  • Correctly translates contractions
  • Hyphenated words are treated as two words
  • Words may consist of alphabetic characters only (A-Z and a-z)
  • All punctuation, numerals, symbols and whitespace are not modified

Supported languages

Language Key Notes
English en is used implicitly by default


  • Run go run build to build the project.
  • Run ./piglatin, enter the text that must be translated to the Pig Latin.
  • Enter :q on a new line to exit.
  • Run ./piglatin -h see available options.


  • Run ./piglatin -source=input.txt -target=output.txt to translate the text in the input file.

Known issues

  • In case of new parsers add, a priority or an explicit parser call should be implemented.