
Combining VS Code intellisense with Mustache highlighting

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for providing this extension.

When I set the file language mode to HTML. I get the default VS Code html highlighting, with intellisense, but of course without mustache highlighting. As such:

Screenshot from 2019-04-07 12-40-14

This feature disappears when setting the language mode to Mustache (HTML). Do you know if it is possible to combine these?

I'd be happy to help in implementing, but since I am pretty clueless about VS Code extensions, I thought I'd check if you can give some indication about what may cause this?

I'm not sure about combining. Why the need to set the language mode to HTML?

The only issue I've run into is that emmet wasn't working on mustache files. In that case you have to tell emmet how to treat mustache files.

    "emmet.includeLanguages": {
      "mustache": "html"