
Perl 0.38 update not available

alexetgus opened this issue · 4 comments


I tried to update the Perl version of Crypt::LE to solve the root certificate problem, but version 0.36 is the last one proposed...
Are you going to do anything about it?



The Perl version 0.38 is definitely available on CPAN - see I'm not sure how you are trying to update it, but updating with CPAN or cpanm should definitely fetch it. Alternatively, you can just download the tar.gz code from the release page and use it with cpanm directly. I'd like to point out though that you do not necessarily have to update the Perl client itself, but you may need to update the certifcate pack on your system to resolve the expired root certificates issue, by running cpanm Mozilla::CA, as the main page of the project says.

The Mozilla::CA package is already up to date.
As for Crypt::LE, I'm sticking with version 0.36....

I'll try with Cpanm or the tar.gz archive, which doesn't suit me...
Compiling a code while Cpan is there is like moving backwards...

cpan_crypt-le-0 36

Thanks for the quick response!

With Cpan Minus it's okay.
Sorry for the inconvenience...

cpan_crypt-le-0 36 2

Good to know it worked. With CPAN it is possible it needed to reload index to see the modules updated since it fetched them last time. But it is not usually my first method of installation (normally it's cpanm) :)