
Large Image Base - Lazy Loading

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I would just like to say trhis is a great plugin and exactly what I have been looking for.

I have been working with this for the past week now and everything has been working well, however when I add a base of 50 images to it I start to see the pluggin struggle on various browsers.

The lastest versions of Firefox and IE (PC) are fine. Google Chrome (PC) does struggles a little while it loads in all of the images. On my Galaxy Note 4 Firefox (Android) is fine. Google Chrome struggles to load in all of the content. Android Stock Browser really struggles

I haven't checked this personally on iOS yet but did have someone quickly look at it for me and they said they had similar issues with a large image base

When I reduce the amount of images though all of the above browsers work very well.

Is there a way to lazy load the images to prevent these issues or even load the images in as you swipe.

I've attached some screenshots of the issues I'm seeing


I don't even think you need to lazy load images. I used it with more than 200 card to swipe and I recommend you to display:none tiles behind n+3 by default and each time you swipe you display:block the n+4.
Since it is behind you won't even require any animation to make it appears smoothly.

Hi rodneyrd

Please ignore previous comment that I deleted, I've just noticed various features in github that have never noticed before i.e forks.

Thanks for the quick response, I'm actually looking at the forks the people have made available and looking through these. late in the evening now can't seem to get some of them to work but going to have a look at it tomorrow again.