some icons are missing
adas172002 opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi there,
It seems that upgrade to FontAwesome 5.0 broke some icons. Eg. i.icon.excel.outline, but I guess that all icons moved to far
– regular style – are now missing.
At first I realised that icons from regular style are only available in Pro version of FA, but it seems that all icons that migrated from 4.7 are still here, however issue is that semantic-ui-sass does not use new font files. Currently there is just semantic-ui-sass/app/assets/fonts/semantic-ui/icons file, while free version 5.0 of font awesome is now 3 font files: regular, brands and solid Font-Awesome github.
Default style of SUI is also using them.
I think I saw an error fly about about outline.otf or something like that being missing when trying to use an outlined icon.
Thanks, this was pretty quick fix.