Annotate across line breaks on FF, if there are other elements in between
leonardlin opened this issue ยท 0 comments
leonardlin commented
See comment thread here
on Firefox
labeling across lines breaks when there is another element in between:
- In the example I try to label: "very loud.\nThe ๐ณ๏ธโ๐ car"
- This does not work on Firefox but does work in Chrome.
As comment thread suggests it happens in the method: TextSelectionHandler.getRange()
Do you think this method works before I create a PR?
private getRange(): [number, number] {
const selection = window.getSelection();
// get elements.
const startElement = selection!.anchorNode!.parentNode;
const endElement = selection!.focusNode!.parentNode;
// Get TextLine objects.
// This depends on BaseText.vue component.
// See the component in detail.
const startLine = (
startElement as unknown as { annotatorElement: TextLine }
const endLine = (endElement as unknown as { annotatorElement: TextLine })
let startOffset = 0;
let endOffset = 0;
if(startLine === undefined) {
// alternative method
const altStartElement = (startElement?.firstChild as SVGTextElement);
const altStartLine = (
altStartElement as unknown as { annotatorElement: TextLine }
const altStartLineText = altStartElement.innerHTML;
const selectionTexts = selection!.toString().split(/\r\n|\r|\n/);
const altSelectionAnchorStart = altStartLineText.lastIndexOf(selectionTexts[0]);
startOffset = altStartLine.startOffset + altSelectionAnchorStart;
endOffset = endLine.startOffset + selection!.focusOffset;
} else {
// get offsets.
startOffset = startLine.startOffset + selection!.anchorOffset;
endOffset = endLine.startOffset + selection!.focusOffset;
if (startOffset > endOffset) {
return [endOffset, startOffset];
} else {
return [startOffset, endOffset];