why my Cassandra exit automatically and not showing log?
jumo77 opened this issue · 2 comments
Cassandra exit automatically and can't see log.
Hi, I'm 3month docker user, and new to Cassandra.
I heard Cassandra is great NoSQL database for handling vast amounts of queries,
so I'm trying to run it on my ubuntu 20.04 server.
At first try, didn't wanted to use docker, and run it in my ubuntu server.
But couldn't run it on my server.
So I'm trying to run it by docker.
I used this script.
docker run --name cass_cluster cassandra:latest
docekr ps -a
And this came out.
5eed81eb133a cassandra:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 7 seconds ago Exited (137) 5 seconds ago cass_cluster
So I logged it, but nothing came out.
First thing first, there's NO PROBELM WITH DOCKER.
I'm running nginx, node.js, next.js.
Second, my ubuntu server is new. I RENT NEW SERVER FOR CASSANDRA.
It's 5$ for month, but what ever. I'm using clean, nothing existing server.
Nothing? Yes nothing.
Third, I tested rest of them. NGINX, NODE.JS WORKS FINE.
So I tried to log my cassandra cluster with
docker logs cass_cluster
This is the main reason I came up with.
NginX, Node.js worked just fine, but not in cassandra.
I need help. I'm literally begging for the reason.
exit 137 is usually associated with running out of memory. I can reproduce this easily locally by limiting the memory for the container
docker run --name cass_cluster -m 10m cassandra:latest
Indeed, this is unfortunately expected -- Cassandra, by default, tries to consume almost all the available memory of the system unless configured to do otherwise. I would suggest MAX_HEAP_SIZE
as good places to start with configuring it to use more reasonable values depending on your available resources (and the amount of those available resources you expect/hope to share with other services).