
[MediaWiki] Request to include volume specification or otherwise a notice for compose examples dealing with databases

insertish opened this issue · 2 comments

I'll admit this is partly my fault but I can see other people making this mistake too, I setup Mediawiki a good while back and recently went to pull everything down, what I didn't realise is that I didn't have a volume setup for my database. Yes, I shouldn't have rushed the setup and just copy pasted the example, but I'd rather save anyone else from making the same mistake. Needless to say, I lost all my data there.

The relevant section I'm talking about is in this README.

I propose either:

  • Adding an example volume
  • Adding a notice below the example explicitly stating that there is no storage configured for the database

I also quickly glanced and saw that this also applies to the teamspeak image and I assume others too.
If this is a change you're willing to make, I'd be happy to go through and make a PR using one of the two solutions.

cc mediawiki maintainers: @davidbarratt @legoktm @addshore

@insertish adding a volume to the example so people can just copy/paste it would be great IMO!