
No way to run postgres in a container with additional options.

Wolvverine opened this issue · 2 comments

For example -m smart to repair the database.

	# if first arg looks like a flag, assume we want to run postgres server
	if [ "${1:0:1}" = '-' ]; then
		set -- postgres "$@"

It should process flags, could you give all the commands you ran and the docker logs?

I'm not sure which utility would have the -m option but I don't see it in Postgres' repertoire

# postgres --help | grep -i "\-m"
  -S WORK-MEM        set amount of memory for sorts (in kB)
postgres --help
$ docker run -it --rm postgres bash
root@a2aa0d74b979:/# postgres --help
postgres is the PostgreSQL server.

  postgres [OPTION]...

  -B NBUFFERS        number of shared buffers
  -c NAME=VALUE      set run-time parameter
  -C NAME            print value of run-time parameter, then exit
  -d 1-5             debugging level
  -D DATADIR         database directory
  -e                 use European date input format (DMY)
  -F                 turn fsync off
  -h HOSTNAME        host name or IP address to listen on
  -i                 enable TCP/IP connections
  -k DIRECTORY       Unix-domain socket location
  -l                 enable SSL connections
  -N MAX-CONNECT     maximum number of allowed connections
  -p PORT            port number to listen on
  -s                 show statistics after each query
  -S WORK-MEM        set amount of memory for sorts (in kB)
  -V, --version      output version information, then exit
  --NAME=VALUE       set run-time parameter
  --describe-config  describe configuration parameters, then exit
  -?, --help         show this help, then exit

Developer options:
  -f s|i|o|b|t|n|m|h forbid use of some plan types
  -n                 do not reinitialize shared memory after abnormal exit
  -O                 allow system table structure changes
  -P                 disable system indexes
  -t pa|pl|ex        show timings after each query
  -T                 send SIGSTOP to all backend processes if one dies
  -W NUM             wait NUM seconds to allow attach from a debugger

Options for single-user mode:
  --single           selects single-user mode (must be first argument)
  DBNAME             database name (defaults to user name)
  -d 0-5             override debugging level
  -E                 echo statement before execution
  -j                 do not use newline as interactive query delimiter
  -r FILENAME        send stdout and stderr to given file

Options for bootstrapping mode:
  --boot             selects bootstrapping mode (must be first argument)
  --check            selects check mode (must be first argument)
  DBNAME             database name (mandatory argument in bootstrapping mode)
  -r FILENAME        send stdout and stderr to given file

Please read the documentation for the complete list of run-time
configuration settings and how to set them on the command line or in
the configuration file.


In the future, these sorts of questions/requests would be more appropriately posted to a dedicated support forum, such as the Docker Community Slack, Server Fault, Unix & Linux, or Stack Overflow.