
Reliable way of knowing tomcat and jdk version

IvanNoronha-TomTom opened this issue · 1 comments

I was using tomcat:jdk11-openjdk-buster for my war files and they stopped working suddenly when I redeployed(no code change and no update to Dockerfile).

swagger-ui would give the url issue

After going through I realised the tomcat version was 9.x.x couple of months back and now it is changed to10.x.x

So now I'm updating the base image to because the tomcat version is 9.x.x

Is it fair to assume that the tomcat version(9.0.56) and openjdk version(11.0.13) will remain constant with tomcat:9-jdk11-openjdk? Or is it possible the version can also change?

Also how can one do a diff on the updates that are made to any tag?

The 9 in tomcat:9-xxx will always refer to Tomcat 9.x -- it might go from 9.0 to 9.5 (or whatever else constitutes a 9.x update in the future), but it will stay on the 9.x series. Similarly, a tag containing jdk11 will continue to contain version 11 of whatever Java runtime it contains.

We try to provide enough tags for each variant that you can choose as specific a "track" as you're willing to follow: (keeping in mind that some tags will be short-lived, like the tags for 10.1.0-M8 no longer receiving updates/rebuilds when 10.1.0-M9 or 10.1.0 GA are released).

If you want to see the history for a given tag, I'd suggest -- in your example of jdk11-openjdk-buster, I think this is probably the most useful place to look:

(Admittedly, that's a bit easier to look at if you know the specific time period where the change occurred or if you know the specific change you're looking for, but in the latter case it's easier to browse from the command line with a local checkout instead.)