
Push command should be able to push any CNAB bundle

silvin-lubecki opened this issue · 2 comments

docker app push my-bundle/bundle.json --tag my-user/my-app:mytag does not work. docker app push wants a dockerapp, while it doesn't really need it. It should resolve a reference, a bundle or a dockerapp like the other commands.

ijc commented

I don't fully follow this one, does "wants a dockerapp" just mean that it expects to find a foo.dockerapp somewhere in/around the cwd (despite not really needing it)?

Or do you mean it is expecting something specific to docker app in the bundle.json?

Yes the current implementation expects a dockerapp, but I think it is too restrictive as we rely on cnab to oci which can push any cnab. I think we can remove this constraint while resolving the app name in the code, just by using the resolveBundle function.