
Update Readme and description with push on Docker hub

SivaKesava1 opened this issue ยท 14 comments

Currently, if we use the Github action with this repo, the image is built and pushed to the Docker hub, but the Readme and description are not updated on the Docker hub webpage. It would be nice to have this in the future to use this action and altogether disable auto build.

Hi @SivaKesava1. We want to take a look at matching functionality with auto-builds so this is great feedback. Any thoughts @nebuk89?

Here's another github action that can set/update the container repo description from the README in the github repo.
It supports container repos on Docker Hub, Harbor v2 and Quay.

For Dockerhub it's possible to set both the short description and the full description (README).


@crazy-max and folks, can we re-open this to get this core capability as part of this official docker action? I'd rather use that than start piling up on third-party actions. Regardless of the community ecosystem around Docker related actions, I think this is a very core capability that I'd expect to have with this action.

@lirantal +1 for this. For the meantime, I created a Docker CLI plugin and a github action based on it to fill this gap. Feel free to open an issue if you feel it doesn't serve your needs. (Yes, it's an additional action/job step ... but github actions is all about modularity imho).


Maybe it's worth to ping @peter-evans and ask if they'd like to contribute a pull request that adds this capability to this official action?

We will work on this. Keep you in touch! (cc @technicallyjosh)

@lirantal Some changes may be required to allow a PAT to modify the README on Docker Hub. ATM only username/password credentials work.

Did the team ever got around fixing this?

@whizzzkid Did the team ever got around fixing this?

yes, it's now possible to set the repo description when authenticated with a PAT (was fixed earlier this year, there was another github issue about it that I can't seem to find at the moment). (Thanks to anyone from the Docker Hub team involved with this!)

the documentation using the third party action is available here:

but this issue is open to add that functionality into this action, correct?

+1, pushing updates to the Docker Hub README should 100% be part of the core functionality.

Alw3ys commented

@djbrown link is broken, for the next ones coming here to find the link. here it is:

Seems this one went a bit under the radar for too long ๐Ÿ˜…. Should be an easy PR to pop in. Will work on this week to include repo description to update.

Edit: So after discussing with @crazy-max, we believe the best way forward is to keep the updating of the description in a separate action as this action is fully revolved around Buildx. We have some ideas to make this a bit easier with reusing the same bearer token obtained from login though. Some PRs are gonna come to make smaller quality of life improvements.

@technicallyjosh @crazy-max Can you please give us a link to the new issue you're working with, so we can follow the work there?

Thank you!