
Error: Head "http://host.docker.internal:11434/": dial tcp i/o timeout -> pull-model-1 exited with code 1

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I've tried 3 times.

Can I download models manually and place in a folder? Which one?

I think, you can not manually download it.......The docker images and the container network are coded in such a way, that you have to pull it only through "docker compose up". It took me a while to get the scripts right in the "docker-compose.yaml" and the ".env" file which overrides when you invoke "docker compose --profile linux-gpu up".

If you are on Linux and have a local GPU, first start with a "docker log-in".....sometimes, if the log-in credentials are not done, it may "exit", when it starts pulling the desired llm.....

But the most important thing is to have the "docker-compose.yaml" and the ".env" files correctly worded and coded for the stack to work.....

I can't attach the "yaml" file as it is not supported......If you need it, I can do it off-line (pm) to you.....Please let me know.....