
Markdown issues

Closed this issue ยท 31 comments

I haven't seen any other threads talking about general Markdown formatting issues so I'm starting one here.

Compare the documentation for Jelly from: Hub and Beta Hub.

On the Beta Hub I can see the following issues:

  • All links are being rendered with the text 'undefined' and are not links.
  • Newlines in the middle of paragraphs are being converted to <br> even though the Markdown spec says they won't be.
  • The postgres in the second heading is being rendered as undefined`.
  • The indented code blocks have alignment issues and generally look a bit uncomfortable.
  • The <title> tag of the page is blank.
  • links are pending deploy
  • newlines need to be revisited after the next deploy since we'll be changing markdown engines
  • The postgres heading is related to the links issue.
  • code blocks have also been modified and are pending deploy (although there is no other issue created for this)
  • title is something we're aware of but have not yet prioritized fixing

Thanks for the update!

Links seem to be working.

Would add that headings don't have the right sizes. Subheadings appear bigger than headings.



I think code blocks still have some issues:

Current Hub:

Beta Hub:

(cc @yosifkit)

Each of those screenshots is from the same description rendered in each interface -- the first code block in each is a fenced code block with an explicit language of dockerfile, and the second block is a simple indented code block.


FROM things

RUN install

    FROM things
    RUN install

(sorry if the fixes for this are still pending deploy ๐Ÿ™Š -- I see the label's still here, but it has been 25 days so an update on the status would be appreciated, especially given

thanks @tianon The "pending deploy" label has indeed stretched on a bit long for this ticket. We were looking into a bug today relating to styling of code blocks which don't have a language specified which is exactly the bug you've described.

@ChristopherBiscardi , is the update concerning intended code blocks already deployed?
For me they still look kinda strange:
Multiline tab-intended blocks are being rendered as separate single line blocks. The bottom alignment to next paragraph doesn't look right as well.


@janeczku yes. The issue as seen is for code blocks that don't have a specific language associated with them, which fits the bill for any "indent-based" code blocks.

Link processing appears to be broken for links which span multiple lines. If a newline character occurs anywhere between the square brackets denoting a link, the link is simply not rendered.

For example, take the following snippet of our

What is guacd?

[guacd]( is the native
server-side proxy used by the [Guacamole web
application]( If you wish to deploy Guacamole, or an
application using the [Guacamole core
APIs](, you will need a copy of guacd

Rendering seems fine on GitHub:


While the Docker Hub rendering of the same is strangely formatted and missing most of the links:


From looking over the resulting HTML within Docker Hub, I see that line breaks not only affect links, but are also rendered explicitly as <br>:

<h1 id="what-is-guacd-">What is guacd?</h1>
<p><a href="">guacd</a> is the native<br>server-side proxy used by the . If you wish to deploy Guacamole, or an<br>application using the , you will need a copy of guacd<br>running.</p>

The TOC of this dockerhub page seems also not to be rendered correctly:

I noticed that you guys upgrade Docker Hub and then found that description of my repo is totally disordered and all original markdown-based description is totally mis-formatted.

Can you advise me what type of markdown or related languages are used for Docker Hub Description in my repo by default now ?

Here is my repo:

@ChristopherBiscardi my main page of repo still looks odd , any solution ?

The title starting with "#" to indicate headline type doesn't work for me at all !

#   ...
##  ...
### ...

The Markdown syntax format like the above looks really bad on my home page !

@wzymaster If you include a space after the hashes the headings are properly parsed. (This is how GitHub handles headings as well).

for example:

##Creating Docker host on your laptop to run this Docker image

would become

## Creating Docker host on your laptop to run this Docker image

You mean like this one ( )? It still doesn't look right when it gets parsed ( ). Though it is a different issue, as it is more about the size.

@wzymaster, it looks like you linked your settings by accident.

@ChristopherBiscardi yes, I just add one more space in my headings, however, the font sizes show no difference among "#", "##", "###" , why ? The key question is that my old description looks different and format is missing.

@jakirkham Yeah, sorry, it's typo and just correct it !

@wzymaster The heading tags are a different issue since they were redefined using some global style overrides and we are eliminating global styles in the near future (<1mo from now). Still an issue, but not a Markdown parsing issue

@ChristopherBiscardi what I am looking for here is very simple, can you tell me what I can do to make the description of my repo work as before ? Since Docker Hub upgrade, it can't be displayed in good format properly any more !

In fact, Heading tag is just one problem in Markdown based descrpition.

URL doesn't work unless I hardcoded "https" leading URL :

[Large Scale Analytics with R] (  --  doesn't work in descrioptions

[Large Scale Analytics with R] (  -- works  in description !

why does it like that ?

These fixes have been deployed. Thanks everyone for taking the time here!

Missing badge ( ). Should have two, but only shows one.

Missing badge ( ). Should have two, but only shows one.

Now appears fixed.

Should add images (e.g. badges) appear to be stacked in DockerHub even if they were placed on one line in Markdown. This seems pretty minor though.

Markdown is still a little broken, one block followed by another (fenced, then fenced or non-fenced) displays as one continuous block. It should just be a css fix as they are rendered as separate code tags on the page. It looks like code blocks could use margins, since they have whitespace issues when followed by a paragraph or header.

Also, indented code block in a list does not work. Styling of inline code that are links is not obvious (hover or otherwise). All links' hover effect is not easy to distinguish.

Missing badge problem is now back. ( #124 (comment) )

Looks like code block styling broke again somewhat recently. ๐Ÿ˜ž


html lables not supported

@tianon - I'm seeing the same here; looks really gaudy:

screen shot 2017-07-09 at 10 46 21 pm
