
revision is wrong (push to open PR)

dimaqq opened this issue · 7 comments

dimaqq commented

First of all, pardon me if this is a known GitHub Actions issue...

My action code:

            echo "try 2 version:"                                                         
            cat << EOF                                                                    
            ${{ steps.tag.outputs.version }}                                              
            echo "try 2 tags:"                                                            
            cat << EOF                                                                    
            ${{ steps.tag.outputs.tags }}                                                 
            echo "try 2 labels:"                                                          
            cat << EOF                                                                    
            ${{ steps.tag.outputs.labels }}                                               
            echo "try 2 json:"                                                            
            jq . << EOF                                                                   
            ${{ steps.tag.outputs.json }}                                                 
            echo "github event"                                                           
            jq . $GITHUB_EVENT_PATH     

where tag is docker/medata-action@v4

When I push another commit to a branch with an open PR, I get this output:

try 2 version:
pr-10  # OK!
try 2 tags:
my/image:pr-10  # OK!
try 2 labels:
org.opencontainers.image.version=pr-10  # OK!
org.opencontainers.image.revision=801fef0830758d8ccefdc8966569227b8bc22853  # ???
try 2 json:
  "tags": [
  "labels": {
    "org.opencontainers.image.version": "pr-10",
    "org.opencontainers.image.created": "2023-04-06T02:30:38.641Z",
    "org.opencontainers.image.revision": "801fef0830758d8ccefdc8966569227b8bc22853",  # ???
    "org.opencontainers.image.licenses": ""

github event
  "action": "synchronize",
  "after": "d7a982e8f5b039c7e4607f87a826f74c53918aec",  # correct!
  "before": "5dc80b95cd193b52101c1eecb83961bf16139966",
  "number": 10,
  "organization": {

Where did the 801fef0... hash come from?
It's not in the github event at all.

Meanwhile, my local checkout has my git commit d7a982... on top, in line with github event.
And there's no commit like 801... in my history.

At the same time, if I push a tag, the revision is correct, it's the git hash that the tag points to.

@dimaqq Can you post your workflow please? Even better if you have a link to your repo.

dimaqq commented

There you go: repo
dimaqq/mre-metadata-action-283#1 sample PR

Here are all the git commits in the repo, all branches:

> gt
* 3fe33e0 (HEAD -> branch-1, origin/branch-1) a sample change
* 93d6762 (origin/main, origin/HEAD, main) CI debug for
* c650ac7 Initial commit

Here's the GHA run:


2023-04-17T07:09:03.1641463Z ##[group]JSON output
2023-04-17T07:09:03.1641740Z {
2023-04-17T07:09:03.1642057Z   "tags": [
2023-04-17T07:09:03.1642593Z     ""
2023-04-17T07:09:03.1642904Z   ],
2023-04-17T07:09:03.1643199Z   "labels": {
2023-04-17T07:09:03.1643746Z     "org.opencontainers.image.title": "mre-metadata-action-283",
2023-04-17T07:09:03.1644437Z     "org.opencontainers.image.description": "",
2023-04-17T07:09:03.1645873Z     "org.opencontainers.image.url": "",
2023-04-17T07:09:03.1646669Z     "org.opencontainers.image.source": "",
2023-04-17T07:09:03.1647318Z     "org.opencontainers.image.version": "pr-1",
2023-04-17T07:09:03.1647868Z     "org.opencontainers.image.created": "2023-04-17T07:09:03.153Z",
2023-04-17T07:09:03.1648589Z     "org.opencontainers.image.revision": "5d733763d2c575d9ac25b5c0922cbc1ac828df8f",
2023-04-17T07:09:03.1649174Z     "org.opencontainers.image.licenses": "MIT"
2023-04-17T07:09:03.1649496Z   }
2023-04-17T07:09:03.1649777Z }

The image.revision git hash 5d73376 does not exist in my repo.

(my guess is that this is GitHub's magical "this would be the merge commit if the PR was merged" hash)

(my guess is that this is GitHub's magical "this would be the merge commit if the PR was merged" hash)

Yes this looks similar to #206. You need to set the associated head sha on pull request event by setting the DOCKER_METADATA_PR_HEAD_SHA env var:

      - id: tag
        uses: docker/metadata-action@v4
dimaqq commented

Yep, looks the same.
I wish that PR_HEAD_SHA was on by default.

Yep, looks the same. I wish that PR_HEAD_SHA was on by default.

Just stumbled upon this PR and thought the same to myself until I saw #239

omg, this should be default

It's not otherwise we break other workflows. Please see #239