get_balance() - returns balance; throws warning if balance is 0; returns an integer
reuse_number(orderid : int) - takes orderid of past order; allows for re-use of an old number; returns a string
skip_number(orderid : int) - takes orderid of an active order; allows a user to skip an active number; returns a string
cancel_order(orderid : int) - takes orderid of an active order; allows a user to cancel an active order; returns a string
get_sms(orderid : int) - takes orderid of an active order; allows a user to check the status of a phone number, if no message has been received user will be notified that the number is still pending; returns a string
make_order(serviceid : int, country : str) - takes a serviceid and a country (predefined class is supplied for countries); allows user to create an order; returns a string