
Task missing at service update

dongluochen opened this issue · 7 comments

When I update image of a service, the tasks may go down and come up. But in most cases some tasks disappear in this period. I'll have to refresh visualizer to get them back.

In this example, 4 tasks from service test are running but only 2 are shown.

ubuntu@ip-172-19-241-144:~$ docker service ls
ID            NAME  REPLICAS  IMAGE                      COMMAND
ikbylntzf1a8  test  5/5       dongluochen/simpleweb:2.0
itaigkgu9o4h  viz   1/1       manomarks/visualizer

ubuntu@ip-172-19-241-144:~$ docker service ps test | grep -i running
test.1.aepqd3xweezqtgbcqtwrq26f4      dongluochen/simpleweb:2.0  ip-172-19-241-144  Running        Running 35 seconds ago
test.2.maqa2woorz8g7erg0nuok31wl      dongluochen/simpleweb:2.0  ip-172-19-241-145  Running        Running 12 seconds ago
test.3.t3e0npr9f9mimrqaa5dfrby86      dongluochen/simpleweb:1.0  ip-172-19-241-146  Running        Running 4 minutes ago
 \_ test.4.shrsqrcnosli2cjo0ek21frop  dongluochen/simpleweb:1.0  ip-172-19-241-146  Shutdown       Running 3 minutes ago
test.5.z4uclx3cc9c8x98d2fvfacf3y      dongluochen/simpleweb:1.0  ip-172-19-241-145  Running        Running 4 minutes ago

screen shot 2016-11-03 at 10 34 03 am

This project is awesome!

@dongluochen Can you give me some steps to recreate? I'm not showing this problem.

@ManoMarks I have viz setup in AWS with 3 machines cluster. I access viz thru public IP of the manager:8080 with port 8080 allowed to my IP. Here are the steps to repro.

$ uname -a
Linux ip-172-19-241-144 4.2.0-22-generic #27-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 17 22:57:08 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ docker node ls
ID                           HOSTNAME           STATUS  AVAILABILITY  MANAGER STATUS
4ianz3jxl171eqh137b2ic11k    ip-172-19-241-146  Ready   Active
5x3kjyttddq67kln5pvocaclj    ip-172-19-241-145  Ready   Active
8gpmadjgkqbpuanctojbfkosp *  ip-172-19-241-144  Ready   Active        Leader

# create viz
$ docker service create   --name=viz   --publish=8080:8080/tcp   --constraint=node.role==manager   --mount=type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock   manomarks/visualizer

# create a service 
$ docker service create --name test --replicas 3 dongluochen/simpleweb:1.0

$ docker service ls
ID            NAME             REPLICAS  IMAGE                      COMMAND
i3d05j4973ao  test             3/3       dongluochen/simpleweb:1.0
qrruwcvm69nq  viz              1/1       manomarks/visualizer

# validate container counts are correctly shown in viz interface

# scale the service 
$docker service scale test=10

# the container counts are not properly shown in viz interface

$ docker version
 Version:      1.13.0-dev
 API version:  1.25
 Go version:   go1.7.3
 Git commit:   89ef0f2
 Built:        Mon Nov  7 18:06:13 2016
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

 Version:      1.13.0-dev
 API version:  1.25
 Go version:   go1.7.3
 Git commit:   89ef0f2
 Built:        Mon Nov  7 18:06:13 2016
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
 Experimental: false

screen shot 2016-11-08 at 10 33 26 pm

If I do a refresh on the viz interface, it'll update to show the correct containers in each machine.

Same problem with image manomarks/visualizer:beta. It looks like automatic refresh doesn't go thru. Force a refresh on chrome would fix the problem.

Here is info of visualizer.

ubuntu@ip-172-19-241-144:~$ docker service inspect viz --pretty

ID:     qrruwcvm69nq9f33vpz1to18l
Name:       viz
Service Mode:   Replicated
 Replicas:  1
 State:     completed
 Started:   2 hours
 Completed: 2 hours
 Message:   update completed
Placement:Contraints:   [node.role==manager]
 Parallelism:   1
 On failure:    pause
 Max failure ratio: 0
 Image:     manomarks/visualizer:beta@sha256:3a9fcc9d1f905d384b8b15f47d99aa1eeacbf65426f2c467d2abbb4f0a6c1378
  Target = /var/run/docker.sock
   Source = /var/run/docker.sock
   ReadOnly = false
   Type = bind
Endpoint Mode:  vip
 PublishedPort 8080
  Protocol = tcp
  TargetPort = 8080

I am able to replicate the problem using Docker for AWS. What seems to happen is that the node stack doesn't show always show up if it involves changing a node that already has a service running on it. I'll dig deeper into this.

Any update on this? I ran into this on my swarm setup on DigitalOcean. @ManoMarks I realize this is not production, but this is such an awesome tool when someone wants to see how the deployment works :-)

I have taken some time to look at it, but it's pretty complex. The original code wasn't mine so I'm having to track the lifecycle of a task through the swarm, it's a little complicated :-)

fixed in #53 and #54