

pascalandy opened this issue · 12 comments

Here is the place to say thank you to folks who are working hard on this project.

« One of the greatest ways to show your appreciation to open source projects you enjoy is to open an issue that let people say thank you »

Disclaimer: I don't have any kind of connexion or personal interest with maintainers(s) of this project. Pure gratitude here.


Thank you, I love this!

This is sweet. Thank you @ManoMarks

I've really enjoyed this, thank you!

Also: Thank you! ;)

I'll add a Thank You as well!

Glorious thank you's to all.

Great project, very useful ! Thank you !

Thank you!

Discovered this recently loving the interface simplicity and speed!
Thank you kind humans

Thanks a bunch!

Yes, thank you still in 2019

version: "3"
    image: alpine:latest
    command: "echo Thank You"