
Heroku DockHero does not mount files, only empty folders

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Problem: heroku dh:docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/config alpine ls -R /config will show only folders, not files.
Expected: mounting should also mount files

Hi Loc!

The thing which confused you is that under the hood, the docker command is executed on a remote host, while $(pwd):/config is resolved on your local machine.

e.g. $(pwd):/config could be /home/loc/my-project/config, while on the remote host there's simply no such folder, and Docker daemon there creates an empty folder.

the usual practice here is:

  • for any information from your computer which you want to take to the remote machine, make it a part of Docker Build.
  • for any persistent file storage use docker volumes with local driver (default). Also, these volumes are backed up daily (backups are not available on Hobby plan)

Closing it because that's not an issue