
Missing support for comments

Closed this issue · 2 comments

mibli commented

In original docopt video, there are comments added in usage pattern, however using them results in unrecognized patterns.

Here's an example that didn't work for me

  i3switch (next | prev) [wrap]                 # order movement (tabs, stacks, windows)
  i3switch number <num>                         # order movement (tabs, stacks, windows)
  i3switch (left | up | right | down) [wrap]    # direction movement (grid)
  i3switch (-h | --help)                        # show this help

I also didn't see '#' handled anywhere in code, nor in tests, so I'm guessing it's a missing feature.

Hm, I don't see support for this in the Python either, so maybe those are just "meta comments" and not meant to be actually supported in the actual docopt strings.

mibli commented

I guess I minderstood the python introduction video. It was refering to option descriptions.
Thought it would be a great way to create a short help. Thanks.