
Native sass

tasuki opened this issue · 6 comments

I migrated from Middleman to DocPad specifically to be able to drop Ruby dependencies! There's a (semi) native javascript node-sass library. Why does DocPad use the original implementation instead of node-sass?

Non-original copies of SASS do not support ruby extensions such as compass - sass/node-sass#54 - I also know that the sass.js by visionmedia didn't work too well, however this node-sass library seems more mature.

We could provide it as an option, where if you don't use any extensions, you can use the node edition. Alternatively, it could just be a new plugin.

Benjamin, thank you for your answer (by the way, you're doing awesome work on DocPad and few maintainers are as responsive as you are).

That's a good point about Compass, I didn't realize. Both providing it as another option and creating a new plugin seem like introducing a bit more chaos into the ecosystem while not really solving all that much (people who use Sass will usually have it already installed anyway). Plus node-sass just wraps some binaries, which is not that awesome.

Ah, should've known that javascript-land uses Stylus instead of SASS! (whose variables and loops actually look nicer than SASS)

I'm going to spend some time this week working on a node-sass option. Or @balupton should I just make a new plugin?

New plugin. Fork of this will be fine. Combining rendering engines turned out to be a bad idea (we tried that with a docpad-plugin-coffee plugin which ended up being split into coffeekup, coffeescript, js2coffee, html2coffeekup).