
Diff won't run with a custom list of migrations

Pictor13 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi everyone,

Is it normal that when I use the migrations option, to specify a custom order/naming for my migrations, I loose the ability to use doctrine:migrations:diff?

I have a factory in order to provide dependencies, and a custom list of migrations:

    'Doctrine\Migrations\Version\MigrationFactory': 'App\VersionFactory'
    migration1: App\Migrations\Version20191120170359
    migration2: App\Migrations\Version20191127162437_RemoveField
    migration3: App\Migrations\Version20201210214842_RenameField
    migration5: App\Migrations\Version20190524121231

Running doctrine:migrations:diff fails:

In DiffCommand.php line 127: assert(is_string($namespace))

There's no configured namespace indeed. If I add one with

  'App\Migrations': '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Migrations'

and try :diff again it now sees a double registration in the container
(probably either via autoretrieve of migration_path and via the migrations custom definition):

Migration version App\Migrations\Version20191120170359 already registered with class App\Migrations\Version20191120170359

services.yaml already excludes the migration folder:

  resource: '../src/*'
  exclude: '../src/{Controller,DependencyInjection,Entity,Migrations,Tests,Kernel.php}'

How can I still retain the diff ability having a custom-name migration list?

In order to run a diff command, we need to know in which namespace and path save the result, thus we need the migrations_paths option.

on the other hand, as soon as you specify the migrations_paths option, this library will try to load the classes defined in there.

what is the expected behavior here? what feature are you asking here and how should it work?

Thanks for clarifying.
As mentioned on the last line, I want to keep using the bundle as usual and profit from features like the doctrine:migrations:diff, but being at the same time able to specify a custom order & meaningful naming for the migrations.

I would expect to be able to configure the bundle with a custom migration list, without losing features on the way.
Like, in my case, the useful DiffCommand that resolves schema changes automatically, and generates the migration and the SQL for the up() and down() methods.

let me rephrase your ask.

you would like to specify explicitly the migrations, to be able to run the diff command, but to avoid loading the migrations found in the migrations folder, right? if is so, you can:

  1. specify a path with no migrations in there
  'App\Migrations': '%kernel.project_dir%/src/SomeOtherMigrationsPath'

with this solution the diff will be generated in %kernel.project_dir%/src/SomeOtherMigrationsPathbut you will have to move them in src/Migrations probably

  1. override using the symfony DI the \Doctrine\Migrations\Finder\MigrationFinder service, returning always an empty array and rely on autoloading to load the migration classes.
# config/packages/doctrine_migrations.yaml
         'Doctrine\Migrations\Finder\MigrationFinder': 'my.migrations.finder'

# config/services.yaml
        class: SomeCutomImplOfMigrationFinder
  1. I'm not sure if it makes sense to include a new feature in this bundle to avoid loading the migrations explicitly, something like
# config/packages/doctrine_migrations.yaml
    do_not_load_migrations: true