
Feature request: Post Deploy migration

Webonaute opened this issue · 1 comments


It would be nice to have post deploy migration which can be run when full deployment is processed.

Right now we are using EC2 Launch config to rotate our server to new version. So it mean we can't modifie column or remove them while running a migration, otherwise, old server will start serving errors. So the idea, would be to have a postDeploy migration which will allo us to run cleanups, removing tables or columns, updating user data to new schema once we fully completed our server rotation.

Hi! I don't think this package has a concept of deploy, has it? How would it know that the so-called postDeploy migration needs to be run? Also, even if it knows about it, currently migrations are not run by this bundle, are they? The bundle provides commands to run migrations when you call them, right?