
Cache issue after migrate on change database connexion iteration

gbourgeat opened this issue · 0 comments

For multi worspaces usage with one database per workspace, I run a custom command for migrate worskaces databases who use command "doctrine:migration:migrate" in a loop with action to change database connexion between each iteration.

It seem not process change connexion (work for other tasks like other script who called "doctrine:schema:update --force" with changing database connexion between iterate) when have already execute a migration.

Exemple case with 3 worspaces so 3 databases with differente connexion configuration

  • If no migration to exec, no problem
  • If migration file for create a table exist:
    • migration was executed with sucess on first workspace
    • for 2nd and last, database error with error because table already exist

If I run one more time the script

  • 1st: no migrate to execute
  • 2nd: 1 migrate to execute and execute it with success
  • 3rd: 1 migrate to execute, database error with error because table already exist (but in pgadmin I see that table not exist)

So I should call 3 times the script for passed all migrates.

Change connexion working for check migrate in table "migration_version" but when execute php script migration, execute it on last database connexion who have been migrate executed with success.

I tried to run cache:clear, same doctrine cache clear (metadata and other) before called to migrate command and no change.

Need help for solution thanks