
Bug: comparaison metadata of table `doctrine_migration_versions` fail with doctrine/orm": "^2.6.4

w-ap-admin opened this issue · 1 comments

There is a bug in the last released version of doctrine.

The bug come from the file lib/Doctrine/Migrations/Metadata/Storage/TableMetadataStorage.php.
The new function to compare the table doctrine_migration_versions is more strict than the previous one, which seems to be better.
And it now compares the _platformOptions from each column. Which was not the case before:

But the function getExpectedTable does not return the _platformOptions.
I don't know if it is the constructor of class Table which should have the responsiblity to get this options or if it's the role of getExpectedTable.

// src/Schema/Table.php
public function __construct(
        string $name,
        array $columns = [],
        array $indexes = [],
        array $uniqueConstraints = [],
        array $fkConstraints = [],
        array $options = []
    ) {
        if ($name === '') {
            throw InvalidTableName::new($name);


        foreach ($columns as $column) {

        foreach ($indexes as $idx) {

        foreach ($uniqueConstraints as $uniqueConstraint) {

        foreach ($fkConstraints as $constraint) {

        $this->_options = array_merge($this->_options, $options);
// lib/Doctrine/Migrations/Metadata/Storage/TableMetadataStorage.php
private function getExpectedTable(): Table
        $schemaChangelog = new Table($this->configuration->getTableName());

            ['notnull' => true, 'length' => $this->configuration->getVersionColumnLength()]
        $schemaChangelog->addColumn($this->configuration->getExecutedAtColumnName(), 'datetime', ['notnull' => false]);
        $schemaChangelog->addColumn($this->configuration->getExecutionTimeColumnName(), 'integer', ['notnull' => false]);


        return $schemaChangelog;