
Add WordpressArray sniff

michnovka opened this issue ยท 4 comments

I would like to start discussion on adding these rules to doctrine CS:

    <rule ref="WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclarationSpacing">
        <exclude name="WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclarationSpacing.NoSpaceAfterArrayOpener"/>
        <exclude name="WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclarationSpacing.NoSpaceBeforeArrayCloser"/>

I got this idea when checking

The main argument for this change is that together with SlevomatCodingStandard.Arrays.TrailingArrayComma.MissingTrailingComma which is already applied this makes for much cleaner diffs when making changes.

I also prefer:

    'cc' => Component\ConcreteComponent::class,
    'cd' => Decorator\ConcreteDecorator::class,
abstract class Component


#[DiscriminatorMap(['cc' => Component\ConcreteComponent::class,
        'cd' => Decorator\ConcreteDecorator::class])]
abstract class Component


I'd like something like that actually, kinda dislike formatting the later manually which I always do.

I had no clue the latter is allowed ๐Ÿ™ƒ So

    'cc' => Component\ConcreteComponent::class,
    'cd' => Decorator\ConcreteDecorator::class,
abstract class Component

is the way to go for me ๐Ÿ‘

Does that mean we'll have to add an extra dependency for that rule?

Does that mean we'll have to add an extra dependency for that rule?

@derrabus yea, however I am against adding Wordpress CS after further consideration. Unlike Slevomat, this CS is not for generic use, but mainly it says what "wordpress code should look like". There were cases where some sniffs changed behavior. So e.g. the one I proposed (WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclarationSpacing) checks so many things to give code which looks like whatever the wordpress devs consider standard at any given moment.

So instead, I opened an issue at Slevomat CS - slevomat/coding-standard#1456 and I would like to port some of the sniffs that would be useful for our purpose.

I will likely get time to work on this in November, so I suggest we wait until this is finished and then we can use just Slevomat without additional dependencies.