
Confused about versioning

kidbrax opened this issue · 4 comments

According to, the latest version is 1.0.0-BETA12. But I also see tags for 1.1.x and changelog references to 1.2. So was just wondering if you are skipping to 1.1 or has 1.0 been released. It seems to have been in beta for quite some time. Just trying to get an idea of what version I should be using.

I may be confused between this repo and Do they serve different purposes?

Please take a look at @jwage answer here: doctrine/mongodb-odm#1071 (comment)

Thank you. So does mongodb-odm use mongodb under the hood and is only meant to be used that way? doctrine/mongodb's documentation link just points to mongodb-odm. Does it have its own documentation anywhere?

jwage commented

@kidbrax Yes, mongodb-odm uses mongodb under the hood but the mongodb lib can be used standalone as a raw way to interact with mongodb. No standalone docs exist for