
Getting junk data on running findAll or similar find methods for document containing embedded document

devqualwebs opened this issue · 8 comments

Hi, I am using embedded document to achieve multi-level database structure. I am managed to set data in database correctly. But when I am fetching these data using findAll or findByOne or similar type of method, It is providing me with lot's of junk data. Part of these junks is pasted below.

[origin:Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchEvent:private] => 1500196415142.2:Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchEvent:private] => event_listener:Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchEvent:private] => Array())[Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\EventListener\ResolveControllerNameSubscriber] => Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchEvent Object([periods:Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchEvent:private] => Array ([0] => Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchPeriod Object([start:Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchPeriod:private] => 31[end:Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchPeriod:private] => 31[memory:Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchPeriod:private] => 2097152)) [origin:Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchEvent:private] => 1500196415142.2[category:Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchEvent:private] => event_listener[started:Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchEvent:private] => Array())[Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener] => Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchEvent Object([periods:Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchEvent:private] => Array([0] => Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchPeriod Object([start:Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchPeriod:private] => 31 [end:Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchPeriod:private] => 31[memory:Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchPeriod:private] => 2097152))[origin:Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\StopwatchEvent:private] => 1500196415142.2

Please share a complete script or environment that can reproduce this issue, from inserting data into a collection and then reading it back and seeing junk data present.

Based on the limited information provided, it just looks as if a StopWatchEvent object is set on whatever data you're inserting/updating in the database, and you're just noticing it when looking at the results. If would start by examining the collection data in the mongo shell to be sure. If this data doesn't actually exist in the collection data, it's possible something is injecting it into the database response; however, I don't think anything in Doctrine MongoDB would be directly responsible for that as this library doesn't use any of these components (e.g. StopWatch, FrameworkBundle, HttpKernel) directly.

Thanks jmikola for response. Below is document I am using to set and get data and also showing data available in mongodb through ubuntu terminal.

 * @MongoDB\Document
class City
     * @MongoDB\Id
    protected $id;

     * @MongoDB\Field(type="string")
    protected $name;

     * @MongoDB\EmbedMany(targetDocument="Region")
    protected $regions = array();

     * @MongoDB\EmbedMany(targetDocument="Suburb")
    protected $suburbs = array();

     * @return mixed
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

     * @param mixed $id
    public function setId($id)
        $this->id = $id;

     * @return mixed
    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

     * @param mixed $name
    public function setName($name)
        $this->name = $name;

     * @return mixed
    public function getRegions()
        return $this->regions;

     * @param mixed $regions
    public function addRegions(Region $regions)
        $this->regions[] = $regions;

     * @return mixed
    public function getSuburbs()
        return $this->suburbs;

     * @param mixed $suburbs
    public function addSuburbs(Suburb $suburbs)
        $this->suburbs[] = $suburbs;

 * @MongoDB\EmbeddedDocument()
class Region

     * @MongoDB\Id
    protected $id;

     * @MongoDB\Field(type="string")
    protected $name;

    /* Getters and Setters */
     * @return mixed
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

     * @param mixed $id
    public function setId($id)
        $this->id = $id;

     * @return mixed
    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

     * @param mixed $name
    public function setName($name)
        $this->name = $name;

 * @MongoDB\EmbeddedDocument()
class Suburb
     * @MongoDB\Id
    protected $id;

     * @MongoDB\Field(type="string")
    protected $name;

     * @MongoDB\Field(type="int")
    protected  $postcode;

    /* Getters and Setters */

     * @return mixed
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

     * @param mixed $id
    public function setId($id)
        $this->id = $id;

     * @return mixed
    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

     * @param mixed $name
    public function setName($name)
        $this->name = $name;

     * @return mixed
    public function getPostcode()
        return $this->postcode;
     * @param mixed $postcode
    public function setPostcode($postcode)
        $this->postcode = $postcode;

Fetching in controller:

  * @Route("/getloc")
public function getLocationAction()
    $cities = $this->get('doctrine_mongodb')
    return new Response("");

I am able to properly set data in database and below is data I have inserted and getting through terminal.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("59708b6ad6faef0c7061486a"), "name" : "Capetown", "regions" : [ { "_id" : ObjectId("59708b6ad6faef0c7061486b"), "name" : "Region1" }, { "_id" : ObjectId("59708b6ad6faef0c7061486c"), "name" : "Region2" } ], "suburbs" : [ { "_id" : ObjectId("59708b6ad6faef0c7061486d"), "name" : "Suburb1" }, { "_id" : ObjectId("59708b6ad6faef0c7061486e"), "name" : "Suburb2" }, { "_id" : ObjectId("59708b6ad6faef0c7061486f"), "name" : "Suburb3" } ] }

It's reassuring to know that the junk data isn't in your collection.

Assuming the getLocationAction() controller reliably returns documents with junk data, can you swap findAll() with find() or findOneBy() and print the returned document with var_dump() so we can see the full structure? It wasn't clear from the original post where the junk data was making its way into your document.

For the record this is an exact duplicate of doctrine/mongodb-odm#1622

Hi jmikola, I used findOneBy and using symfony dump method to get beautified result. So, I got this code shared below:

City {#383
  #id: "59708b6ad6faef0c7061486a"
  #name: "Capetown"
  #regions: PersistentCollection {#459
    -snapshot: []
    -owner: City {#383}
    -mapping: array:21 [
      "fieldName" => "regions"
      "type" => "many"
      "embedded" => true
      "targetDocument" => "AppBundle\Document\Region"
      "discriminatorField" => null
      "discriminatorMap" => null
      "defaultDiscriminatorValue" => null
      "strategy" => "pushAll"
      "collectionClass" => null
      "name" => "regions"
      "nullable" => false
      "options" => []
      "value" => null
      "isCascadeRemove" => true
      "isCascadePersist" => true
      "isCascadeRefresh" => true
      "isCascadeMerge" => true
      "isCascadeDetach" => true
      "association" => 4
      "isOwningSide" => true
      "isInverseSide" => false
    -isDirty: false
    -initialized: false
    -coll: ArrayCollection {#436
      -elements: []
    -dm: DocumentManager {#282 …13}
    -uow: UnitOfWork {#373
      -identityMap: array:1 [
        "AppBundle\Document\City" => array:1 [
          "C:7:"MongoId":24:{59708b6ad6faef0c7061486a}" => City {#383}
      -documentIdentifiers: array:1 [
        "000000003e941c97000000006fbb3788" => "59708b6ad6faef0c7061486a"
      -originalDocumentData: array:1 [
        "000000003e941c97000000006fbb3788" => array:4 [
          "id" => "59708b6ad6faef0c7061486a"
          "name" => "Capetown"
          "regions" => PersistentCollection {#459}
          "suburbs" => PersistentCollection {#458
            -snapshot: []
            -owner: City {#383}
            -mapping: array:21 [
              "fieldName" => "suburbs"
              "type" => "many"
              "embedded" => true
              "targetDocument" => "AppBundle\Document\Suburb"
              "discriminatorField" => null
              "discriminatorMap" => null
              "defaultDiscriminatorValue" => null
              "strategy" => "pushAll"
              "collectionClass" => null
              "name" => "suburbs"
              "nullable" => false
              "options" => []
              "value" => null
              "isCascadeRemove" => true
              "isCascadePersist" => true
              "isCascadeRefresh" => true
              "isCascadeMerge" => true
              "isCascadeDetach" => true
              "association" => 4
              "isOwningSide" => true
              "isInverseSide" => false
            -isDirty: false
            -initialized: false
            -coll: ArrayCollection {#382
              -elements: []
            -dm: DocumentManager {#282 …13}
            -uow: UnitOfWork {#373}
            -mongoData: array:3 [
              0 => array:2 [
                "_id" => MongoId {#329
                  -objectID: ObjectID {#281
                    +"oid": "59708b6ad6faef0c7061486d"
                "name" => "Suburb1"
              1 => array:2 [
                "_id" => MongoId {#269
                  -objectID: ObjectID {#432
                    +"oid": "59708b6ad6faef0c7061486e"
                "name" => "Suburb2"
              2 => array:2 [
                "_id" => MongoId {#305
                  -objectID: ObjectID {#300
                    +"oid": "59708b6ad6faef0c7061486f"
                "name" => "Suburb3"
            -hints: []
      -documentChangeSets: []
      -documentStates: array:1 [
        "000000003e941c97000000006fbb3788" => 1
      -scheduledForDirtyCheck: []
      -documentInsertions: []
      -documentUpdates: []
      -documentUpserts: []
      -documentDeletions: []
      -collectionDeletions: []
      -collectionUpdates: []
      -hasScheduledCollections: []
      -visitedCollections: []
      -dm: DocumentManager {#282 …13}
      -evm: ContainerAwareEventManager {#323
        -listeners: array:4 [
          "postPersist" => array:1 [
            "000000003e941ca9000000006fbb3788" => Listener {#321
              #objectPersister: ObjectPersister {#313
                #type: Type {#312
                  #_index: Index {#314
                    -originalName: null
                    -typeCache: array:1 [
                      "post" => Type {#312}
                    #_name: "post_dev"
                    #_client: Client {#308
                      -indexCache: array:1 [
                        "post_dev" => Index {#314}
                      -stopwatch: Stopwatch {#13
                        -sections: array:1 [
                          "__root__" => Section {#11
                            -events: array:1 [
                              "__section__.child" => StopwatchEvent {#142
                                -periods: []
                                -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                -category: "section"
                                -started: array:1 [
                                  0 => -0.0
                            -origin: null
                            -id: null
                            -children: array:1 [
                              0 => Section {#112
                                -events: array:25 [
                                  "__section__" => StopwatchEvent {#141
                                    -periods: []
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "default"
                                    -started: array:1 [
                                      0 => -0.0
                                  "kernel.request" => StopwatchEvent {#140
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#198
                                        -start: 0
                                        -end: 5
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "section"
                                    -started: []
                                  "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener" => StopwatchEvent {#139
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#133
                                        -start: 0
                                        -end: 0
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "event_listener"
                                    -started: []
                                  "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ValidateRequestListener" => StopwatchEvent {#138
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#134
                                        -start: 0
                                        -end: 0
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "event_listener"
                                    -started: []
                                  "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener" => StopwatchEvent {#135
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#143
                                        -start: 0
                                        -end: 0
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "event_listener"
                                    -started: []
                                  "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\FragmentListener" => StopwatchEvent {#148
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#158
                                        -start: 0
                                        -end: 0
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "event_listener"
                                    -started: []
                                  "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener" => StopwatchEvent {#157
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#160
                                        -start: 1
                                        -end: 3
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "event_listener"
                                    -started: []
                                  "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\EventListener\ResolveControllerNameSubscriber" => StopwatchEvent {#147
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#177
                                        -start: 3
                                        -end: 3
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "event_listener"
                                    -started: []
                                  "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener" => StopwatchEvent {#161
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#154
                                        -start: 3
                                        -end: 3
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "event_listener"
                                    -started: []
                                  "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\EventListener\FirewallListener" => StopwatchEvent {#175
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#194
                                        -start: 3
                                        -end: 5
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "event_listener"
                                    -started: []
                                  "security.authentication.success" => StopwatchEvent {#174
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#193
                                        -start: 5
                                        -end: 5
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "section"
                                    -started: []
                                  "controller.get_callable" => StopwatchEvent {#190
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#213
                                        -start: 6
                                        -end: 7
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "default"
                                    -started: []
                                  "kernel.controller" => StopwatchEvent {#242
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#261
                                        -start: 9
                                        -end: 10
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "section"
                                    -started: []
                                  "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RouterDataCollector" => StopwatchEvent {#245
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#197
                                        -start: 9
                                        -end: 9
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "event_listener"
                                    -started: []
                                  "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector" => StopwatchEvent {#226
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#247
                                        -start: 9
                                        -end: 9
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "event_listener"
                                    -started: []
                                  "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ControllerListener" => StopwatchEvent {#248
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#249
                                        -start: 9
                                        -end: 9
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "event_listener"
                                    -started: []
                                  "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ParamConverterListener" => StopwatchEvent {#255
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#273
                                        -start: 9
                                        -end: 9
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "event_listener"
                                    -started: []
                                  "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener" => StopwatchEvent {#250
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#256
                                        -start: 9
                                        -end: 9
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "event_listener"
                                    -started: []
                                  "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\SecurityListener" => StopwatchEvent {#257
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#258
                                        -start: 9
                                        -end: 9
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "event_listener"
                                    -started: []
                                  "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\TemplateListener" => StopwatchEvent {#259
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#260
                                        -start: 9
                                        -end: 10
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "event_listener"
                                    -started: []
                                  "controller.get_arguments" => StopwatchEvent {#264
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#263
                                        -start: 11
                                        -end: 11
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "default"
                                    -started: []
                                  "kernel.controller_arguments" => StopwatchEvent {#265
                                    -periods: array:1 [
                                      0 => StopwatchPeriod {#278
                                        -start: 11
                                        -end: 11
                                        -memory: 2097152
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "section"
                                    -started: []
                                  "controller" => StopwatchEvent {#277
                                    -periods: []
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "section"
                                    -started: array:1 [
                                      0 => 11.3
                                  ":site_template:test.html.twig" => StopwatchEvent {#682
                                    -periods: []
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "template"
                                    -started: array:1 [
                                      0 => 468.7
                                  "base.html.twig" => StopwatchEvent {#622
                                    -periods: []
                                    -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                    -category: "template"
                                    -started: array:1 [
                                      0 => 468.7
                                -origin: 1500874205126.6
                                -id: null
                                -children: []
                        -activeSections: array:2 [
                          "__root__" => Section {#11}
                          0 => Section {#112}
                      #_config: array:16 [
                        "host" => null
                        "port" => null
                        "path" => null
                        "url" => null
                        "proxy" => null
                        "transport" => null
                        "persistent" => true
                        "timeout" => null
                        "connections" => array:1 [
                          0 => array:6 [
                            "host" => "localhost"
                            "port" => 9200
                            "logger" => "fos_elastica.logger"
                            "compression" => false
                            "headers" => []
                            "retryOnConflict" => 0
                        "roundRobin" => false
                        "log" => false
                        "retryOnConflict" => 0
                        "bigintConversion" => false
                        "username" => null
                        "password" => null
                        "connectionStrategy" => "Simple"
                      #_callback: ""
                      #_connectionPool: ConnectionPool {#268
                        #_connections: array:1 [
                          0 => Connection {#302
                            #_params: array:7 [
                              "config" => array:1 [
                                "headers" => []
                              "host" => "localhost"
                              "port" => 9200
                              "logger" => "fos_elastica.logger"
                              "compression" => false
                              "retryOnConflict" => 0
                              "enabled" => true
                            #_rawParams: []
                        #_strategy: Simple {#301}
                        #_callback: ""
                      #_lastRequest: null
                      #_lastResponse: null
                      #_logger: ElasticaLogger {#280
                        #logger: Logger {#291
                          #name: "elastica"
                          #handlers: array:3 [
                            0 => StreamHandler {#72
                              #stream: stream resource @13
                                timed_out: false
                                blocked: true
                                eof: false
                                wrapper_type: "plainfile"
                                stream_type: "STDIO"
                                mode: "a"
                                unread_bytes: 0
                                seekable: true
                                uri: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/logs/dev.log"
                                options: []
                              #url: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/logs/dev.log"
                              -errorMessage: null
                              #filePermission: null
                              #useLocking: false
                              -dirCreated: true
                              #level: 100
                              #bubble: true
                              #formatter: LineFormatter {#167
                                #format: "[%datetime%] %channel%.%level_name%: %message% %context% %extra%\n"
                                #allowInlineLineBreaks: false
                                #ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra: false
                                #includeStacktraces: null
                                #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s"
                              #processors: array:1 [
                                0 => PsrLogMessageProcessor {#95}
                            1 => ConsoleHandler {#109
                              -output: null
                              -verbosityLevelMap: array:5 [
                                16 => 400
                                32 => 300
                                64 => 250
                                128 => 200
                                256 => 100
                              #level: 100
                              #bubble: true
                              #formatter: null
                              #processors: []
                            2 => ServerLogHandler {#12
                              -host: "tcp://"
                              -context: stream-context resource @9
                                options: []
                              -socket: persistent stream resource @39
                                timed_out: false
                                blocked: false
                                eof: false
                                stream_type: "tcp_socket/ssl"
                                mode: "r+"
                                unread_bytes: 0
                                seekable: false
                                options: []
                              #level: 100
                              #bubble: true
                              #formatter: VarDumperFormatter {#165
                                -cloner: VarCloner {#153
                                  #maxItems: 2500
                                  #maxString: -1
                                  #useExt: false
                                  -casters: array:88 [
                                    "__php_incomplete_class" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\Caster"
                                        1 => "castPhpIncompleteClass"
                                    "symfony\component\vardumper\caster\cutstub" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\StubCaster"
                                        1 => "castStub"
                                    "symfony\component\vardumper\caster\cutarraystub" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\StubCaster"
                                        1 => "castCutArray"
                                    "symfony\component\vardumper\caster\conststub" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\StubCaster"
                                        1 => "castStub"
                                    "symfony\component\vardumper\caster\enumstub" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\StubCaster"
                                        1 => "castEnum"
                                    "closure" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ReflectionCaster"
                                        1 => "castClosure"
                                    "generator" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ReflectionCaster"
                                        1 => "castGenerator"
                                    "reflectiontype" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ReflectionCaster"
                                        1 => "castType"
                                    "reflectiongenerator" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ReflectionCaster"
                                        1 => "castReflectionGenerator"
                                    "reflectionclass" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ReflectionCaster"
                                        1 => "castClass"
                                    "reflectionfunctionabstract" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ReflectionCaster"
                                        1 => "castFunctionAbstract"
                                    "reflectionmethod" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ReflectionCaster"
                                        1 => "castMethod"
                                    "reflectionparameter" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ReflectionCaster"
                                        1 => "castParameter"
                                    "reflectionproperty" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ReflectionCaster"
                                        1 => "castProperty"
                                    "reflectionextension" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ReflectionCaster"
                                        1 => "castExtension"
                                    "reflectionzendextension" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ReflectionCaster"
                                        1 => "castZendExtension"
                                    "doctrine\common\persistence\objectmanager" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\StubCaster"
                                        1 => "cutInternals"
                                    "doctrine\common\proxy\proxy" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DoctrineCaster"
                                        1 => "castCommonProxy"
                                    "doctrine\orm\proxy\proxy" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DoctrineCaster"
                                        1 => "castOrmProxy"
                                    "doctrine\orm\persistentcollection" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DoctrineCaster"
                                        1 => "castPersistentCollection"
                                    "domexception" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castException"
                                    "domstringlist" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castLength"
                                    "domnamelist" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castLength"
                                    "domimplementation" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castImplementation"
                                    "domimplementationlist" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castLength"
                                    "domnode" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castNode"
                                    "domnamespacenode" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castNameSpaceNode"
                                    "domdocument" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castDocument"
                                    "domnodelist" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castLength"
                                    "domnamednodemap" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castLength"
                                    "domcharacterdata" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castCharacterData"
                                    "domattr" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castAttr"
                                    "domelement" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castElement"
                                    "domtext" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castText"
                                    "domtypeinfo" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castTypeinfo"
                                    "domdomerror" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castDomError"
                                    "domlocator" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castLocator"
                                    "domdocumenttype" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castDocumentType"
                                    "domnotation" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castNotation"
                                    "domentity" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castEntity"
                                    "domprocessinginstruction" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castProcessingInstruction"
                                    "domxpath" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\DOMCaster"
                                        1 => "castXPath"
                                    "xmlreader" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\XmlReaderCaster"
                                        1 => "castXmlReader"
                                    "errorexception" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ExceptionCaster"
                                        1 => "castErrorException"
                                    "exception" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ExceptionCaster"
                                        1 => "castException"
                                    "error" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ExceptionCaster"
                                        1 => "castError"
                                    "symfony\component\dependencyinjection\containerinterface" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\StubCaster"
                                        1 => "cutInternals"
                                    "symfony\component\httpfoundation\request" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\SymfonyCaster"
                                        1 => "castRequest"
                                    "symfony\component\vardumper\exception\throwingcasterexception" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ExceptionCaster"
                                        1 => "castThrowingCasterException"
                                    "symfony\component\vardumper\caster\tracestub" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ExceptionCaster"
                                        1 => "castTraceStub"
                                    "symfony\component\vardumper\caster\framestub" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ExceptionCaster"
                                        1 => "castFrameStub"
                                    "symfony\component\debug\exception\silencederrorcontext" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ExceptionCaster"
                                        1 => "castSilencedErrorContext"
                                    "phpunit_framework_mockobject_mockobject" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\StubCaster"
                                        1 => "cutInternals"
                                    "prophecy\prophecy\prophecysubjectinterface" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\StubCaster"
                                        1 => "cutInternals"
                                    "mockery\mockinterface" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\StubCaster"
                                        1 => "cutInternals"
                                    "pdo" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\PdoCaster"
                                        1 => "castPdo"
                                    "pdostatement" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\PdoCaster"
                                        1 => "castPdoStatement"
                                    "amqpconnection" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\AmqpCaster"
                                        1 => "castConnection"
                                    "amqpchannel" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\AmqpCaster"
                                        1 => "castChannel"
                                    "amqpqueue" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\AmqpCaster"
                                        1 => "castQueue"
                                    "amqpexchange" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\AmqpCaster"
                                        1 => "castExchange"
                                    "amqpenvelope" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\AmqpCaster"
                                        1 => "castEnvelope"
                                    "arrayobject" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\SplCaster"
                                        1 => "castArrayObject"
                                    "spldoublylinkedlist" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\SplCaster"
                                        1 => "castDoublyLinkedList"
                                    "splfileinfo" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\SplCaster"
                                        1 => "castFileInfo"
                                    "splfileobject" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\SplCaster"
                                        1 => "castFileObject"
                                    "splfixedarray" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\SplCaster"
                                        1 => "castFixedArray"
                                    "splheap" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\SplCaster"
                                        1 => "castHeap"
                                    "splobjectstorage" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\SplCaster"
                                        1 => "castObjectStorage"
                                    "splpriorityqueue" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\SplCaster"
                                        1 => "castHeap"
                                    "outeriterator" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\SplCaster"
                                        1 => "castOuterIterator"
                                    "mongocursorinterface" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\MongoCaster"
                                        1 => "castCursor"
                                    "redis" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\RedisCaster"
                                        1 => "castRedis"
                                    "redisarray" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\RedisCaster"
                                        1 => "castRedisArray"
                                    ":curl" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ResourceCaster"
                                        1 => "castCurl"
                                    ":dba" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ResourceCaster"
                                        1 => "castDba"
                                    ":dba persistent" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ResourceCaster"
                                        1 => "castDba"
                                    ":gd" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ResourceCaster"
                                        1 => "castGd"
                                    ":mysql link" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ResourceCaster"
                                        1 => "castMysqlLink"
                                    ":pgsql large object" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\PgSqlCaster"
                                        1 => "castLargeObject"
                                    ":pgsql link" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\PgSqlCaster"
                                        1 => "castLink"
                                    ":pgsql link persistent" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\PgSqlCaster"
                                        1 => "castLink"
                                    ":pgsql result" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\PgSqlCaster"
                                        1 => "castResult"
                                    ":process" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ResourceCaster"
                                        1 => "castProcess"
                                    ":stream" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ResourceCaster"
                                        1 => "castStream"
                                    ":persistent stream" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ResourceCaster"
                                        1 => "castStream"
                                    ":stream-context" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\ResourceCaster"
                                        1 => "castStreamContext"
                                    ":xml" => array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => "Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\XmlResourceCaster"
                                        1 => "castXml"
                                  -prevErrorHandler: null
                                  -classInfo: []
                                  -filter: 0
                              #processors: []
                          #processors: array:1 [
                            0 => DebugProcessor {#66
                              -records: array:20 [
                                0 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "Matched route "{route}"."
                                  "priority" => 200
                                  "priorityName" => "INFO"
                                  "context" => array:4 [
                                    "route" => "app_home_getlocation"
                                    "route_parameters" => array:2 [
                                      "_controller" => "AppBundle\Controller\HomeController::getLocationAction"
                                      "_route" => "app_home_getlocation"
                                    "request_uri" => "http://localhost:8000/getloc"
                                    "method" => "GET"
                                  "channel" => "request"
                                1 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "Populated the TokenStorage with an anonymous Token."
                                  "priority" => 200
                                  "priorityName" => "INFO"
                                  "context" => []
                                  "channel" => "security"
                                2 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => array:2 [
                                    "event" => "kernel.request"
                                    "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener::configure"
                                  "channel" => "event"
                                3 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => array:2 [
                                    "event" => "kernel.request"
                                    "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ValidateRequestListener::onKernelRequest"
                                  "channel" => "event"
                                4 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => array:2 [
                                    "event" => "kernel.request"
                                    "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelRequest"
                                  "channel" => "event"
                                5 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => array:2 [
                                    "event" => "kernel.request"
                                    "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\FragmentListener::onKernelRequest"
                                  "channel" => "event"
                                6 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => array:2 [
                                    "event" => "kernel.request"
                                    "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelRequest"
                                  "channel" => "event"
                                7 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => array:2 [
                                    "event" => "kernel.request"
                                    "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\EventListener\ResolveControllerNameSubscriber::onKernelRequest"
                                  "channel" => "event"
                                8 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => array:2 [
                                    "event" => "kernel.request"
                                    "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::onKernelRequest"
                                  "channel" => "event"
                                9 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => array:2 [
                                    "event" => "kernel.request"
                                    "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\EventListener\FirewallListener::onKernelRequest"
                                  "channel" => "event"
                                10 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => array:2 [
                                    "event" => "kernel.controller"
                                    "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RouterDataCollector::onKernelController"
                                  "channel" => "event"
                                11 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => array:2 [
                                    "event" => "kernel.controller"
                                    "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector::onKernelController"
                                  "channel" => "event"
                                12 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => array:2 [
                                    "event" => "kernel.controller"
                                    "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ControllerListener::onKernelController"
                                  "channel" => "event"
                                13 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => array:2 [
                                    "event" => "kernel.controller"
                                    "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ParamConverterListener::onKernelController"
                                  "channel" => "event"
                                14 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => array:2 [
                                    "event" => "kernel.controller"
                                    "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener::onKernelController"
                                  "channel" => "event"
                                15 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => array:2 [
                                    "event" => "kernel.controller"
                                    "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\SecurityListener::onKernelController"
                                  "channel" => "event"
                                16 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => array:2 [
                                    "event" => "kernel.controller"
                                    "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\TemplateListener::onKernelController"
                                  "channel" => "event"
                                17 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "MongoDB query: {"find":true,"query":{"name":"Capetown"},"fields":[],"db":"iHomeseek","collection":"City"}"
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => []
                                  "channel" => "doctrine"
                                18 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "MongoDB query: {"limit":true,"limitNum":1,"query":{"name":"Capetown"},"fields":[]}"
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => []
                                  "channel" => "doctrine"
                                19 => array:6 [
                                  "timestamp" => 1500874205
                                  "message" => "MongoDB query: {"limit":true,"limitNum":null,"query":{"name":"Capetown"},"fields":[]}"
                                  "priority" => 100
                                  "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
                                  "context" => []
                                  "channel" => "doctrine"
                              -errorCount: 0
                          #microsecondTimestamps: true
                        #queries: []
                        #debug: true
                      #_version: null
                  #_name: "post"
                  #_serializer: null
                #transformer: ModelToElasticaAutoTransformer {#325
                  #dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18
                    #logger: Logger {#83
                      #name: "event"
                      #handlers: array:1 [
                        0 => ServerLogHandler {#12}
                      #processors: array:1 [
                        0 => DebugProcessor {#66}
                      #microsecondTimestamps: true
                    #stopwatch: Stopwatch {#13}
                    -called: array:2 [
                      "kernel.request" => SplObjectStorage {#150
                        storage: array:8 [
                          "000000003e941df1000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [
                            "object" => WrappedListener {#25
                              -listener: array:2 [
                                0 => DebugHandlersListener {#106
                                  -exceptionHandler: null
                                  -logger: null
                                  -levels: null
                                  -throwAt: -1
                                  -scream: true
                                  -fileLinkFormat: FileLinkFormatter {#100
                                    -fileLinkFormat: false
                                    -requestStack: RequestStack {#92
                                      -requests: array:1 [
                                        0 => Request {#86 …25}
                                    -baseDir: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek"
                                    -urlFormat: "/_profiler/open?file=%f&line=%l#line%l"
                                  -scope: true
                                  -firstCall: false
                                1 => "configure"
                              -name: "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener"
                              -called: true
                              -stoppedPropagation: false
                              -stopwatch: Stopwatch {#13}
                              -dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                              -pretty: "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener::configure"
                              -stub: null
                            "info" => null
                          "000000003e941df3000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [
                            "object" => WrappedListener {#27
                              -listener: array:2 [
                                0 => ValidateRequestListener {#91}
                                1 => "onKernelRequest"
                              -name: "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ValidateRequestListener"
                              -called: true
                              -stoppedPropagation: false
                              -stopwatch: Stopwatch {#13}
                              -dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                              -pretty: "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ValidateRequestListener::onKernelRequest"
                              -stub: null
                            "info" => null
                          "000000003e941de6000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [
                            "object" => WrappedListener {#14
                              -listener: array:2 [
                                0 => SessionListener {#103
                                  -container: ServiceLocator {#99
                                    -factories: array:1 [
                                      "session" => Closure {#101
                                        class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                        this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                        file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                        line: "3346 to 3348"
                                1 => "onKernelRequest"
                              -name: "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener"
                              -called: true
                              -stoppedPropagation: false
                              -stopwatch: Stopwatch {#13}
                              -dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                              -pretty: "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelRequest"
                              -stub: null
                            "info" => null
                          "000000003e941dfb000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [
                            "object" => WrappedListener {#19
                              -listener: array:2 [
                                0 => FragmentListener {#108
                                  -signer: UriSigner {#93
                                    -secret: "895be35920402330fde99879999ad31aa87fd555"
                                    -parameter: "_hash"
                                  -fragmentPath: "/_fragment"
                                1 => "onKernelRequest"
                              -name: "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\FragmentListener"
                              -called: true
                              -stoppedPropagation: false
                              -stopwatch: Stopwatch {#13}
                              -dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                              -pretty: "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\FragmentListener::onKernelRequest"
                              -stub: null
                            "info" => null
                          "000000003e941dcb000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [
                            "object" => WrappedListener {#35
                              -listener: array:2 [
                                0 => RouterListener {#111
                                  -matcher: Router {#126
                                    -container: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                    -collectedParameters: []
                                    #matcher: appDevDebugProjectContainerUrlMatcher {#156
                                      #context: RequestContext {#132
                                        -baseUrl: ""
                                        -pathInfo: "/getloc"
                                        -method: "GET"
                                        -host: "localhost"
                                        -scheme: "http"
                                        -httpPort: 8000
                                        -httpsPort: 443
                                        -queryString: ""
                                        -parameters: array:1 [ …1]
                                      #allow: []
                                      #routes: null
                                      #request: null
                                      #expressionLanguage: null
                                      #expressionLanguageProviders: []
                                    #generator: null
                                    #context: RequestContext {#132}
                                    #loader: null
                                    #collection: null
                                    #resource: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/app/config/routing_dev.yml"
                                    #options: array:12 [
                                      "cache_dir" => "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev"
                                      "debug" => true
                                      "generator_class" => "Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGenerator"
                                      "generator_base_class" => "Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGenerator"
                                      "generator_dumper_class" => "Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\Dumper\PhpGeneratorDumper"
                                      "generator_cache_class" => "appDevDebugProjectContainerUrlGenerator"
                                      "matcher_class" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\RedirectableUrlMatcher"
                                      "matcher_base_class" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\RedirectableUrlMatcher"
                                      "matcher_dumper_class" => "Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper\PhpMatcherDumper"
                                      "matcher_cache_class" => "appDevDebugProjectContainerUrlMatcher"
                                      "resource_type" => null
                                      "strict_requirements" => true
                                    #logger: null
                                    -configCacheFactory: ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactory {#129
                                      -resourceCheckers: RewindableGenerator {#131
                                        -generator: Closure {#130 …4}
                                        -count: 2
                                    -expressionLanguageProviders: []
                                  -context: RequestContext {#132}
                                  -logger: Logger {#51
                                    #name: "request"
                                    #handlers: array:3 [
                                      0 => StreamHandler {#72}
                                      1 => ConsoleHandler {#109}
                                      2 => ServerLogHandler {#12}
                                    #processors: array:1 [
                                      0 => DebugProcessor {#66}
                                    #microsecondTimestamps: true
                                  -requestStack: RequestStack {#92}
                                1 => "onKernelRequest"
                              -name: "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener"
                              -called: true
                              -stoppedPropagation: false
                              -stopwatch: Stopwatch {#13}
                              -dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                              -pretty: "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelRequest"
                              -stub: null
                            "info" => null
                          "000000003e941df2000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [
                            "object" => WrappedListener {#26
                              -listener: array:2 [
                                0 => ResolveControllerNameSubscriber {#123
                                  -parser: ControllerNameParser {#78
                                    #kernel: AppKernel {#9
                                      #bundles: array:15 [ …15]
                                      #bundleMap: array:15 [ …15]
                                      #container: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                      #rootDir: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/app"
                                      #environment: "dev"
                                      #debug: true
                                      #booted: true
                                      #name: "app"
                                      #startTime: 1500874205.0975
                                      #loadClassCache: null
                                      -projectDir: null
                                1 => "onKernelRequest"
                              -name: "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\EventListener\ResolveControllerNameSubscriber"
                              -called: true
                              -stoppedPropagation: false
                              -stopwatch: Stopwatch {#13}
                              -dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                              -pretty: "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\EventListener\ResolveControllerNameSubscriber::onKernelRequest"
                              -stub: null
                            "info" => null
                          "000000003e941dfd000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [
                            "object" => WrappedListener {#21
                              -listener: array:2 [
                                0 => LocaleListener {#121
                                  -router: Router {#126}
                                  -defaultLocale: "en"
                                  -requestStack: RequestStack {#92}
                                1 => "onKernelRequest"
                              -name: "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener"
                              -called: true
                              -stoppedPropagation: false
                              -stopwatch: Stopwatch {#13}
                              -dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                              -pretty: "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::onKernelRequest"
                              -stub: null
                            "info" => null
                          "000000003e941db0000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [
                            "object" => WrappedListener {#88
                              -listener: array:2 [
                                0 => FirewallListener {#122
                                  -map: FirewallMap {#116
                                    -container: ServiceLocator {#120
                                      -factories: array:2 [ …2]
                                    -map: RewindableGenerator {#119
                                      -generator: Closure {#128 …4}
                                      -count: 2
                                    -contexts: SplObjectStorage {#68
                                      storage: []
                                    -container: ServiceLocator {#120}
                                    -map: RewindableGenerator {#119}
                                  -logoutUrlGenerator: LogoutUrlGenerator {#104
                                    -requestStack: RequestStack {#92}
                                    -router: Router {#126}
                                    -tokenStorage: TokenStorage {#113
                                      -token: AnonymousToken {#199
                                        -secret: "597585c0f08087.34173513"
                                        -user: "anon."
                                        -roles: []
                                        -authenticated: true
                                        -attributes: []
                                    -listeners: []
                                    -currentFirewall: array:2 [
                                      0 => "main"
                                      1 => "main"
                                  -dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                                  -exceptionListeners: SplObjectStorage {#127
                                    storage: array:1 [
                                      "000000003e941dbe000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [ …2]
                                  -map: FirewallMap {#116}
                                1 => "onKernelRequest"
                              -name: "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\EventListener\FirewallListener"
                              -called: true
                              -stoppedPropagation: false
                              -stopwatch: Stopwatch {#13}
                              -dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                              -pretty: "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\EventListener\FirewallListener::onKernelRequest"
                              -stub: null
                            "info" => null
                      "kernel.controller" => SplObjectStorage {#262
                        storage: array:7 [
                          "000000003e941dc6000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [
                            "object" => WrappedListener {#46
                              -listener: array:2 [
                                0 => RouterDataCollector {#98
                                  #controllers: SplObjectStorage {#204
                                    storage: array:1 [
                                      "000000003e941dbe000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [
                                        "object" => Request {#86 …10}
                                        "info" => null
                                  #data: array:3 [
                                    "redirect" => false
                                    "url" => null
                                    "route" => null
                                  -valueExporter: null
                                1 => "onKernelController"
                              -name: "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RouterDataCollector"
                              -called: true
                              -stoppedPropagation: false
                              -stopwatch: Stopwatch {#13}
                              -dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                              -pretty: "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RouterDataCollector::onKernelController"
                              -stub: null
                            "info" => null
                          "000000003e941dda000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [
                            "object" => WrappedListener {#50
                              -listener: array:2 [
                                0 => RequestDataCollector {#230
                                  #controllers: SplObjectStorage {#229
                                    storage: array:1 [
                                      "000000003e941dbe000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [
                                        "object" => Request {#86 …10}
                                        "info" => null
                                  #data: []
                                  -valueExporter: null
                                1 => "onKernelController"
                              -name: "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector"
                              -called: true
                              -stoppedPropagation: false
                              -stopwatch: Stopwatch {#13}
                              -dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                              -pretty: "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector::onKernelController"
                              -stub: null
                            "info" => null
                          "000000003e941dd8000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [
                            "object" => WrappedListener {#48
                              -listener: array:2 [
                                0 => ControllerListener {#214
                                  #reader: CachedReader {#189
                                    -delegate: AnnotationReader {#202
                                      -parser: DocParser {#188
                                        -lexer: DocLexer {#210 …8}
                                        -target: null
                                        -isNestedAnnotation: false
                                        -imports: []
                                        -classExists: []
                                        -ignoreNotImportedAnnotations: false
                                        -namespaces: []
                                        -ignoredAnnotationNames: []
                                        -context: ""
                                      -preParser: DocParser {#215
                                        -lexer: DocLexer {#216 …8}
                                        -target: null
                                        -isNestedAnnotation: false
                                        -imports: array:1 [ …1]
                                        -classExists: []
                                        -ignoreNotImportedAnnotations: true
                                        -namespaces: []
                                        -ignoredAnnotationNames: []
                                        -context: ""
                                      -phpParser: PhpParser {#205}
                                      -imports: []
                                      -ignoredAnnotationNames: []
                                    -cache: DoctrineProvider {#222
                                      -pool: PhpArrayAdapter {#206
                                        -createCacheItem: Closure {#191 …4}
                                        -file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/annotations.php"
                                        -values: array:26 [ …26]
                                        -fallbackPool: TraceableAdapter {#217 …2}
                                      -namespace: ""
                                      -namespaceVersion: 1
                                    -debug: true
                                    -loadedAnnotations: array:15 [
                                      "AppBundle\Controller\HomeController" => array:1 [
                                        0 => Route {#274 …10}
                                      "AppBundle\Controller\HomeController#getLocationAction" => array:1 [
                                        0 => Route {#252 …10}
                                      "AppBundle\Document\City" => array:1 [
                                        0 => Document {#354 …9}
                                      "AppBundle\Document\City$id" => array:1 [
                                        0 => Id {#368 …7}
                                      "AppBundle\Document\City$name" => array:1 [
                                        0 => Field {#349 …6}
                                      "AppBundle\Document\City$regions" => array:1 [
                                        0 => EmbedMany {#344 …12}
                                      "AppBundle\Document\City$suburbs" => array:1 [
                                        0 => EmbedMany {#348 …12}
                                      "AppBundle\Document\City#getId" => []
                                      "AppBundle\Document\City#setId" => []
                                      "AppBundle\Document\City#getName" => []
                                      "AppBundle\Document\City#setName" => []
                                      "AppBundle\Document\City#getRegions" => []
                                      "AppBundle\Document\City#addRegions" => []
                                      "AppBundle\Document\City#getSuburbs" => []
                                      "AppBundle\Document\City#addSuburbs" => []
                                1 => "onKernelController"
                              -name: "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ControllerListener"
                              -called: true
                              -stoppedPropagation: false
                              -stopwatch: Stopwatch {#13}
                              -dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                              -pretty: "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ControllerListener::onKernelController"
                              -stub: null
                            "info" => null
                          "000000003e941dc5000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [
                            "object" => WrappedListener {#45
                              -listener: array:2 [
                                0 => ParamConverterListener {#220
                                  #manager: ParamConverterManager {#223
                                    #converters: array:1 [
                                      0 => array:2 [
                                        0 => DoctrineParamConverter {#196 …1}
                                        1 => DateTimeParamConverter {#238}
                                    #namedConverters: array:2 [
                                      "doctrine.orm" => DoctrineParamConverter {#196}
                                      "datetime" => DateTimeParamConverter {#238}
                                  #autoConvert: true
                                  -isParameterTypeSupported: true
                                1 => "onKernelController"
                              -name: "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ParamConverterListener"
                              -called: true
                              -stoppedPropagation: false
                              -stopwatch: Stopwatch {#13}
                              -dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                              -pretty: "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ParamConverterListener::onKernelController"
                              -stub: null
                            "info" => null
                          "000000003e941dcf000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [
                            "object" => WrappedListener {#39
                              -listener: array:2 [
                                0 => HttpCacheListener {#235
                                  -lastModifiedDates: SplObjectStorage {#233
                                    storage: []
                                  -etags: SplObjectStorage {#236
                                    storage: []
                                  -expressionLanguage: null
                                1 => "onKernelController"
                              -name: "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener"
                              -called: true
                              -stoppedPropagation: false
                              -stopwatch: Stopwatch {#13}
                              -dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                              -pretty: "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener::onKernelController"
                              -stub: null
                            "info" => null
                          "000000003e941df7000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [
                            "object" => WrappedListener {#31
                              -listener: array:2 [
                                0 => SecurityListener {#209
                                  -tokenStorage: TokenStorage {#113}
                                  -authChecker: AuthorizationChecker {#181
                                    -tokenStorage: TokenStorage {#113}
                                    -accessDecisionManager: TraceableAccessDecisionManager {#182
                                      -manager: AccessDecisionManager {#179
                                        -voters: RewindableGenerator {#166 …2}
                                        -strategy: "decideAffirmative"
                                        -allowIfAllAbstainDecisions: false
                                        -allowIfEqualGrantedDeniedDecisions: true
                                      -strategy: "decideAffirmative"
                                      -voters: RewindableGenerator {#166}
                                      -decisionLog: []
                                    -authenticationManager: AuthenticationProviderManager {#125
                                      -providers: RewindableGenerator {#114
                                        -generator: Closure {#145 …4}
                                        -count: 1
                                      -eraseCredentials: true
                                      -eventDispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                                    -alwaysAuthenticate: false
                                  -language: ExpressionLanguage {#237
                                    -cache: ArrayAdapter {#219
                                      -createCacheItem: Closure {#212
                                        class: "Symfony\Component\Cache\CacheItem"
                                        parameters: { …3}
                                        use: { …1}
                                        file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Cache/Adapter/ArrayAdapter.php"
                                        line: "36 to 44"
                                      -storeSerialized: true
                                      -values: []
                                      -expiries: []
                                      #logger: null
                                    -lexer: null
                                    -parser: null
                                    -compiler: null
                                    #functions: array:7 [
                                      "constant" => array:2 [
                                        "compiler" => Closure {#201 …4}
                                        "evaluator" => Closure {#234 …4}
                                      "is_granted" => array:2 [
                                        "compiler" => Closure {#200 …5}
                                        "evaluator" => Closure {#176 …5}
                                      "is_anonymous" => array:2 [
                                        "compiler" => Closure {#208 …4}
                                        "evaluator" => Closure {#239 …5}
                                      "is_authenticated" => array:2 [
                                        "compiler" => Closure {#211 …4}
                                        "evaluator" => Closure {#187 …5}
                                      "is_fully_authenticated" => array:2 [
                                        "compiler" => Closure {#183 …4}
                                        "evaluator" => Closure {#168 …5}
                                      "is_remember_me" => array:2 [
                                        "compiler" => Closure {#232 …4}
                                        "evaluator" => Closure {#241 …5}
                                      "has_role" => array:2 [
                                        "compiler" => Closure {#243 …5}
                                        "evaluator" => Closure {#244 …5}
                                  -trustResolver: AuthenticationTrustResolver {#169
                                    -anonymousClass: "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AnonymousToken"
                                    -rememberMeClass: "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\RememberMeToken"
                                  -roleHierarchy: RoleHierarchy {#231
                                    -hierarchy: []
                                    #map: []
                                1 => "onKernelController"
                              -name: "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\SecurityListener"
                              -called: true
                              -stoppedPropagation: false
                              -stopwatch: Stopwatch {#13}
                              -dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                              -pretty: "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\SecurityListener::onKernelController"
                              -stub: null
                            "info" => null
                          "000000003e941dc8000000006fbb3788" => array:2 [
                            "object" => WrappedListener {#32
                              -listener: array:2 [
                                0 => TemplateListener {#246
                                  #container: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                1 => "onKernelController"
                              -name: "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\TemplateListener"
                              -called: true
                              -stoppedPropagation: false
                              -stopwatch: Stopwatch {#13}
                              -dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                              -pretty: "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\TemplateListener::onKernelController"
                              -stub: null
                            "info" => null
                    -dispatcher: ContainerAwareEventDispatcher {#24
                      -container: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                      -listenerIds: []
                      -listeners: []
                      -sorted: []
                      -listeners: array:11 [
                        "kernel.controller" => array:2 [
                          0 => array:6 [
                            12 => array:2 [
                              0 => RouterDataCollector {#98}
                              1 => "onKernelController"
                            13 => array:2 [
                              0 => RequestDataCollector {#230}
                              1 => "onKernelController"
                            14 => array:2 [
                              0 => ControllerListener {#214}
                              1 => "onKernelController"
                            15 => array:2 [
                              0 => ParamConverterListener {#220}
                              1 => "onKernelController"
                            16 => array:2 [
                              0 => HttpCacheListener {#235}
                              1 => "onKernelController"
                            17 => array:2 [
                              0 => SecurityListener {#209}
                              1 => "onKernelController"
                          -128 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => TemplateListener {#246}
                              1 => "onKernelController"
                        "kernel.response" => array:5 [
                          0 => array:5 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#84
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "805 to 807"
                              1 => "onKernelResponse"
                            1 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#30
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "850 to 852"
                              1 => "onKernelResponse"
                            2 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#36
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "868 to 870"
                              1 => "onKernelResponse"
                            3 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#8
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "907 to 909"
                              1 => "onKernelResponse"
                            4 => array:2 [
                              0 => ContextListener {#151
                                -tokenStorage: TokenStorage {#113}
                                -contextKey: "main"
                                -sessionKey: "_security_main"
                                -logger: Logger {#173
                                  #name: "security"
                                  #handlers: array:3 [
                                    0 => StreamHandler {#72}
                                    1 => ConsoleHandler {#109}
                                    2 => ServerLogHandler {#12}
                                  #processors: array:1 [
                                    0 => DebugProcessor {#66}
                                  #microsecondTimestamps: true
                                -userProviders: array:1 [
                                  0 => InMemoryUserProvider {#178
                                    -users: null
                                -dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#18}
                                -registered: true
                                -trustResolver: AuthenticationTrustResolver {#169}
                              1 => "onKernelResponse"
                          -1024 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#89
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "808 to 810"
                              1 => "onKernelResponse"
                          -1000 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#67
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "832 to 834"
                              1 => "onKernelResponse"
                          -100 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#34
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "838 to 840"
                              1 => "onKernelResponse"
                          -128 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#82
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "916 to 918"
                              1 => "onKernelResponse"
                        "kernel.request" => array:8 [
                          2048 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => DebugHandlersListener {#106}
                              1 => "configure"
                          256 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => ValidateRequestListener {#91}
                              1 => "onKernelRequest"
                          128 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => SessionListener {#103}
                              1 => "onKernelRequest"
                          48 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => FragmentListener {#108}
                              1 => "onKernelRequest"
                          32 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => RouterListener {#111}
                              1 => "onKernelRequest"
                          24 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => ResolveControllerNameSubscriber {#123}
                              1 => "onKernelRequest"
                          16 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => LocaleListener {#121}
                              1 => "onKernelRequest"
                          8 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => FirewallListener {#122}
                              1 => "onKernelRequest"
                        "kernel.finish_request" => array:1 [
                          0 => array:3 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#87
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "814 to 816"
                              1 => "onKernelFinishRequest"
                            1 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#29
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "859 to 861"
                              1 => "onKernelFinishRequest"
                            2 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#28
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "865 to 867"
                              1 => "onKernelFinishRequest"
                        "console.error" => array:1 [
                          -128 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#16
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "823 to 825"
                              1 => "onConsoleError"
                        "console.terminate" => array:3 [
                          -128 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#15
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "826 to 828"
                              1 => "onConsoleTerminate"
                          -255 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#43
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "877 to 879"
                              1 => "onTerminate"
                          0 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#44
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "889 to 891"
                              1 => "onTerminate"
                        "kernel.exception" => array:3 [
                          0 => array:2 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#33
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "841 to 843"
                              1 => "onKernelException"
                            1 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#42
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "880 to 882"
                              1 => "onException"
                          -128 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#37
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "871 to 873"
                              1 => "onKernelException"
                          1 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => ExceptionListener {#185
                                -tokenStorage: TokenStorage {#113}
                                -providerKey: "main"
                                -accessDeniedHandler: null
                                -authenticationEntryPoint: null
                                -authenticationTrustResolver: AuthenticationTrustResolver {#169}
                                -errorPage: null
                                -logger: Logger {#173}
                                -httpUtils: HttpUtils {#186
                                  -urlGenerator: Router {#126}
                                  -urlMatcher: Router {#126}
                                -stateless: false
                              1 => "onKernelException"
                        "kernel.terminate" => array:2 [
                          -1024 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#85
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "844 to 846"
                              1 => "onKernelTerminate"
                          0 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#41
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "883 to 885"
                              1 => "onTerminate"
                        "console.command" => array:2 [
                          255 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#38
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "874 to 876"
                              1 => "onCommand"
                          1024 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#10
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "913 to 915"
                              1 => "configure"
                        "console.exception" => array:1 [
                          0 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#40
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "886 to 888"
                              1 => "onException"
                        "kernel.view" => array:1 [
                          0 => array:1 [
                            0 => array:2 [
                              0 => Closure {#47
                                class: "appDevDebugProjectContainer"
                                this: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
                                file: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php"
                                line: "901 to 903"
                              1 => "onKernelView"
                    -wrappedListeners: []
                  #options: array:1 [
                    "identifier" => "id"
                  #propertyAccessor: PropertyAccessor {#294
                    -magicCall: false
                    -ignoreInvalidIndices: true
                    -cacheItemPool: null
                    -readPropertyCache: []
                    -writePropertyCache: []
                    -propertyPathCache: []
                #objectClass: "AppBundle\Document\Property"
                #fields: array:3 [
                  "id" => array:2 [
                    "type" => "string"
                    "index" => "not_analyzed"
                  "title" => array:3 [
                    "type" => "string"
                    "analyzer" => "english"
                    "fields" => array:1 [
                      "raw" => array:2 [
                        "type" => "string"
                        "index" => "not_analyzed"
                  "location" => array:3 [
                    "type" => "string"
                    "analyzer" => "english"
                    "fields" => array:1 [
                      "raw" => array:2 [
                        "type" => "string"
                        "index" => "not_analyzed"
                #logger: null
              -config: array:3 [
                "identifier" => "id"
                "indexName" => "properties"
                "typeName" => "post"
              +scheduledForInsertion: []
              +scheduledForUpdate: []
              +scheduledForDeletion: []
              #propertyAccessor: PropertyAccessor {#283
                -magicCall: false
                -ignoreInvalidIndices: true
                -cacheItemPool: null
                -readPropertyCache: []
                -writePropertyCache: []
                -propertyPathCache: []
              -indexable: Indexable {#309
                -callbacks: []
                -expressionLanguage: null
                -initialisedCallbacks: []
                -propertyAccessor: PropertyAccessor {#311
                  -magicCall: false
                  -ignoreInvalidIndices: true
                  -cacheItemPool: null
                  -readPropertyCache: []
                  -writePropertyCache: []
                  -propertyPathCache: []
                #container: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
          "postUpdate" => array:1 [
            "000000003e941ca9000000006fbb3788" => Listener {#321}
          "preRemove" => array:1 [
            "000000003e941ca9000000006fbb3788" => Listener {#321}
          "postFlush" => array:1 [
            "000000003e941ca9000000006fbb3788" => Listener {#321}
        -initialized: []
        -container: appDevDebugProjectContainer {#23 …14}
        -_listeners: []
      -orphanRemovals: []
      -hydratorFactory: HydratorFactory {#287
        -dm: DocumentManager {#282 …13}
        -unitOfWork: UnitOfWork {#373}
        -evm: ContainerAwareEventManager {#323}
        -autoGenerate: 0
        -hydratorNamespace: "Hydrators"
        -hydratorDir: "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/doctrine/odm/mongodb/Hydrators"
        -hydrators: array:1 [
          "AppBundle\Document\City" => AppBundleDocumentCityHydrator {#384
            -dm: DocumentManager {#282 …13}
            -unitOfWork: UnitOfWork {#373}
            -class: ClassMetadata {#424
              +reflFields: array:4 [
                "id" => ReflectionProperty {#361
                  +name: "id"
                  +class: "AppBundle\Document\City"
                  modifiers: "protected"
                  extra: {
                    docComment: """
                           * @MongoDB\Id\n
                "name" => ReflectionProperty {#367
                  +name: "name"
                  +class: "AppBundle\Document\City"
                  modifiers: "protected"
                  extra: {
                    docComment: """
                           * @MongoDB\Field(type="string")\n
                "regions" => ReflectionProperty {#350
                  +name: "regions"
                  +class: "AppBundle\Document\City"
                  modifiers: "protected"
                  extra: {
                    docComment: """
                           * @MongoDB\EmbedMany(targetDocument="Region")\n
                "suburbs" => ReflectionProperty {#347
                  +name: "suburbs"
                  +class: "AppBundle\Document\City"
                  modifiers: "protected"
                  extra: {
                    docComment: """
                           * @MongoDB\EmbedMany(targetDocument="Suburb")\n
              -instantiator: Instantiator {#422}
              +db: null
              +collection: "City"
              +collectionCapped: null
              +collectionSize: null
              +collectionMax: null
              +writeConcern: null
              +identifier: "id"
              +file: null
              +distance: null
              +slaveOkay: null
              +indexes: []
              +shardKey: null
              +requireIndexes: false
              +name: "AppBundle\Document\City"
              +namespace: "AppBundle\Document"
              +rootDocumentName: "AppBundle\Document\City"
              +customRepositoryClassName: null
              +parentClasses: []
              +subClasses: []
              +inheritanceType: 1
              +generatorType: 1
              +generatorOptions: []
              +idGenerator: AutoGenerator {#338}
              +fieldMappings: array:4 [
                "id" => array:15 [
                  "fieldName" => "id"
                  "id" => true
                  "type" => "id"
                  "strategy" => "auto"
                  "name" => "_id"
                  "nullable" => false
                  "options" => []
                  "value" => null
                  "isCascadeRemove" => false
                  "isCascadePersist" => false
                  "isCascadeRefresh" => false
                  "isCascadeMerge" => false
                  "isCascadeDetach" => false
                  "isOwningSide" => true
                  "isInverseSide" => false
                "name" => array:14 [
                  "fieldName" => "name"
                  "name" => "name"
                  "type" => "string"
                  "nullable" => false
                  "options" => []
                  "strategy" => "set"
                  "value" => null
                  "isCascadeRemove" => false
                  "isCascadePersist" => false
                  "isCascadeRefresh" => false
                  "isCascadeMerge" => false
                  "isCascadeDetach" => false
                  "isOwningSide" => true
                  "isInverseSide" => false
                "regions" => array:21 [
                  "fieldName" => "regions"
                  "type" => "many"
                  "embedded" => true
                  "targetDocument" => "AppBundle\Document\Region"
                  "discriminatorField" => null
                  "discriminatorMap" => null
                  "defaultDiscriminatorValue" => null
                  "strategy" => "pushAll"
                  "collectionClass" => null
                  "name" => "regions"
                  "nullable" => false
                  "options" => []
                  "value" => null
                  "isCascadeRemove" => true
                  "isCascadePersist" => true
                  "isCascadeRefresh" => true
                  "isCascadeMerge" => true
                  "isCascadeDetach" => true
                  "association" => 4
                  "isOwningSide" => true
                  "isInverseSide" => false
                "suburbs" => array:21 [
                  "fieldName" => "suburbs"
                  "type" => "many"
                  "embedded" => true
                  "targetDocument" => "AppBundle\Document\Suburb"
                  "discriminatorField" => null
                  "discriminatorMap" => null
                  "defaultDiscriminatorValue" => null
                  "strategy" => "pushAll"
                  "collectionClass" => null
                  "name" => "suburbs"
                  "nullable" => false
                  "options" => []
                  "value" => null
                  "isCascadeRemove" => true
                  "isCascadePersist" => true
                  "isCascadeRefresh" => true
                  "isCascadeMerge" => true
                  "isCascadeDetach" => true
                  "association" => 4
                  "isOwningSide" => true
                  "isInverseSide" => false
              +associationMappings: array:2 [
                "regions" => array:21 [
                  "fieldName" => "regions"
                  "type" => "many"
                  "embedded" => true
                  "targetDocument" => "AppBundle\Document\Region"
                  "discriminatorField" => null
                  "discriminatorMap" => null
                  "defaultDiscriminatorValue" => null
                  "strategy" => "pushAll"
                  "collectionClass" => null
                  "name" => "regions"
                  "nullable" => false
                  "options" => []
                  "value" => null
                  "isCascadeRemove" => true
                  "isCascadePersist" => true
                  "isCascadeRefresh" => true
                  "isCascadeMerge" => true
                  "isCascadeDetach" => true
                  "association" => 4
                  "isOwningSide" => true
                  "isInverseSide" => false
                "suburbs" => array:21 [
                  "fieldName" => "suburbs"
                  "type" => "many"
                  "embedded" => true
                  "targetDocument" => "AppBundle\Document\Suburb"
                  "discriminatorField" => null
                  "discriminatorMap" => null
                  "defaultDiscriminatorValue" => null
                  "strategy" => "pushAll"
                  "collectionClass" => null
                  "name" => "suburbs"
                  "nullable" => false
                  "options" => []
                  "value" => null
                  "isCascadeRemove" => true
                  "isCascadePersist" => true
                  "isCascadeRefresh" => true
                  "isCascadeMerge" => true
                  "isCascadeDetach" => true
                  "association" => 4
                  "isOwningSide" => true
                  "isInverseSide" => false
              +alsoLoadMethods: []
              +lifecycleCallbacks: []
              +discriminatorValue: null
              +discriminatorMap: []
              +discriminatorField: null
              +defaultDiscriminatorValue: null
              +isMappedSuperclass: false
              +isEmbeddedDocument: false
              +changeTrackingPolicy: 1
              +isVersioned: null
              +versionField: null
              +isLockable: null
              +lockField: null
              +reflClass: ReflectionClass {#421
                +name: "AppBundle\Document\City"
                implements: []
                constants: []
                properties: array:4 [
                  "id" => ReflectionProperty {#709
                    +name: "id"
                    +class: "AppBundle\Document\City"
                    modifiers: "protected"
                    extra: {
                      docComment: """
                             * @MongoDB\Id\n
                  "name" => ReflectionProperty {#697
                    +name: "name"
                    +class: "AppBundle\Document\City"
                    modifiers: "protected"
                    extra: {
                      docComment: """
                             * @MongoDB\Field(type="string")\n
                  "regions" => ReflectionProperty {#708
                    +name: "regions"
                    +class: "AppBundle\Document\City"
                    modifiers: "protected"
                    extra: {
                      docComment: """
                             * @MongoDB\EmbedMany(targetDocument="Region")\n
                  "suburbs" => ReflectionProperty {#707
                    +name: "suburbs"
                    +class: "AppBundle\Document\City"
                    modifiers: "protected"
                    extra: {
                      docComment: """
                             * @MongoDB\EmbedMany(targetDocument="Suburb")\n
                methods: array:8 [
                  "getId" => ReflectionMethod {#706
                    +name: "getId"
                    +class: "AppBundle\Document\City"
                    modifiers: "public"
                  "setId" => ReflectionMethod {#705
                    +name: "setId"
                    +class: "AppBundle\Document\City"
                    parameters: ReflectionProperty {#709}
                    modifiers: "public"
                  "getName" => ReflectionMethod {#704
                    +name: "getName"
                    +class: "AppBundle\Document\City"
                    modifiers: "public"
                  "setName" => ReflectionMethod {#703
                    +name: "setName"
                    +class: "AppBundle\Document\City"
                    parameters: {
                      $name: ReflectionParameter {#754
                        +name: "name"
                        position: 0
                    modifiers: "public"
                  "getRegions" => ReflectionMethod {#702
                    +name: "getRegions"
                    +class: "AppBundle\Document\City"
                    modifiers: "public"
                  "addRegions" => ReflectionMethod {#701
                    +name: "addRegions"
                    +class: "AppBundle\Document\City"
                    parameters: {
                      $regions: ReflectionParameter {#758
                        +name: "regions"
                        position: 0
                        typeHint: "AppBundle\Document\Region"
                    modifiers: "public"
                  "getSuburbs" => ReflectionMethod {#699
                    +name: "getSuburbs"
                    +class: "AppBundle\Document\City"
                    modifiers: "public"
                  "addSuburbs" => ReflectionMethod {#700
                    +name: "addSuburbs"
                    +class: "AppBundle\Document\City"
                    parameters: {
                      $suburbs: ReflectionParameter {#762
                        +name: "suburbs"
                        position: 0
                        typeHint: "AppBundle\Document\Suburb"
                    modifiers: "public"
      -persisters: array:1 [
        "AppBundle\Document\City" => DocumentPersister {#374
          -pb: PersistenceBuilder {#276
            -dm: DocumentManager {#282 …13}
            -uow: UnitOfWork {#373}
          -dm: DocumentManager {#282 …13}
          -evm: ContainerAwareEventManager {#323}
          -uow: UnitOfWork {#373}
          -class: ClassMetadata {#424}
          -collection: LoggableCollection {#433
            #database: LoggableDatabase {#342
              #loggerCallable: array:2 [
                0 => AggregateLogger {#330
                  -loggers: array:2 [
                    0 => Logger {#299
                      -logger: Logger {#292
                        #name: "doctrine"
                        #handlers: array:2 [
                          0 => StreamHandler {#72}
                          1 => ServerLogHandler {#12}
                        #processors: array:1 [
                          0 => DebugProcessor {#66}
                        #microsecondTimestamps: true
                      -prefix: "MongoDB query: "
                      -batchInsertThreshold: 4
                    1 => PrettyDataCollector {#326
                      -batchInsertThreshold: 4
                      #queries: array:3 [
                        0 => array:5 [
                          "find" => true
                          "query" => array:1 [
                            "name" => "Capetown"
                          "fields" => []
                          "db" => "iHomeseek"
                          "collection" => "City"
                        1 => array:4 [
                          "limit" => true
                          "limitNum" => 1
                          "query" => array:1 [
                            "name" => "Capetown"
                          "fields" => []
                        2 => array:4 [
                          "limit" => true
                          "limitNum" => null
                          "query" => array:1 [
                            "name" => "Capetown"
                          "fields" => []
                      #data: []
                      -valueExporter: null
                1 => "logQuery"
              #connection: Connection {#267
                #mongoClient: MongoClient {#377
                  +connected: false
                  +status: null
                  #server: "mongodb://localhost:27017"
                  #persistent: null
                  -client: Client {#340
                    +manager: Manager {#285}
                    +uri: "mongodb://localhost:27017"
                    +typeMap: array:3 [
                      "array" => "MongoDB\Model\BSONArray"
                      "document" => "MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument"
                      "root" => "MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument"
                    +writeConcern: WriteConcern {#341}
                  -manager: Manager {#285}
                  #readPreference: ReadPreference {#339}
                  #writeConcern: WriteConcern {#394}
                #server: "mongodb://localhost:27017"
                #options: []
                #driverOptions: []
                #config: Configuration {#331
                  #attributes: array:21 [
                    "mongoCmd" => "$"
                    "retryConnect" => 0
                    "retryQuery" => 0
                    "documentNamespaces" => array:1 [
                      "AppBundle" => "AppBundle\Document"
                    "metadataCacheImpl" => ArrayCache {#304
                      -data: array:1 [
                        "sf_mongodb_default_da33329d9424beb95aac2f195a30834ded53119e2ef2caf7bdb06d7654e9c79f[AppBundle\Document\City$MONGODBODMCLASSMETADATA][1]" => array:2 [
                          0 => ClassMetadata {#424}
                          1 => false
                      -hitsCount: 0
                      -missesCount: 2
                      -upTime: 1500874205
                      -namespace: "sf_mongodb_default_da33329d9424beb95aac2f195a30834ded53119e2ef2caf7bdb06d7654e9c79f"
                      -namespaceVersion: 1
                    "metadataDriverImpl" => MappingDriverChain {#297
                      -defaultDriver: null
                      -drivers: array:1 [
                        "AppBundle\Document" => AnnotationDriver {#290
                          #entityAnnotationClasses: array:3 [
                            "Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\Annotations\Document" => 1
                            "Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\Annotations\MappedSuperclass" => 2
                            "Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\Annotations\EmbeddedDocument" => 3
                          #reader: CachedReader {#189}
                          #paths: array:1 [
                            0 => "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/src/AppBundle/Document"
                          #excludePaths: []
                          #fileExtension: ".php"
                          #classNames: null
                    "proxyDir" => "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/doctrine/odm/mongodb/Proxies"
                    "proxyNamespace" => "MongoDBODMProxies"
                    "autoGenerateProxyClasses" => 0
                    "hydratorDir" => "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/doctrine/odm/mongodb/Hydrators"
                    "hydratorNamespace" => "Hydrators"
                    "autoGenerateHydratorClasses" => 0
                    "defaultDB" => "iHomeseek"
                    "defaultCommitOptions" => []
                    "defaultRepositoryClassName" => "Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\DocumentRepository"
                    "persistentCollectionDir" => "/home/qualwebs/PhpstormProjects/ihomeseek/var/cache/dev/doctrine/odm/mongodb/PersistentCollections"
                    "persistentCollectionNamespace" => "PersistentCollections"
                    "autoGeneratePersistentCollectionClasses" => 0
                    "loggerCallable" => array:2 [
                      0 => AggregateLogger {#330}
                      1 => "logQuery"
                    "classMetadataFactoryName" => "Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory"
                    "persistentCollectionFactory" => DefaultPersistentCollectionFactory {#399}
                #eventManager: ContainerAwareEventManager {#323}
              #eventManager: ContainerAwareEventManager {#323}
              #mongoDB: MongoDB {#396
                #connection: MongoClient {#377}
                #db: Database {#378
                  +databaseName: "iHomeseek"
                  +manager: Manager {#285}
                  +readConcern: ReadConcern {#392}
                  +readPreference: ReadPreference {#395}
                  +typeMap: array:3 [
                    "array" => "MongoDB\Model\BSONArray"
                    "document" => "MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument"
                    "root" => "MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument"
                  +writeConcern: WriteConcern {#393}
                #name: "iHomeseek"
                #readPreference: ReadPreference {#395}
                #writeConcern: WriteConcern {#393}
              #numRetries: 0
            #eventManager: ContainerAwareEventManager {#323}
            #mongoCollection: MongoCollection {#407
              +db: MongoDB {#396}
              #name: "City"
              #collection: Collection {#317
                +collectionName: "City"
                +databaseName: "iHomeseek"
                +manager: Manager {#285}
                +readConcern: ReadConcern {#392}
                +readPreference: ReadPreference {#372}
                +typeMap: array:3 [
                  "array" => "MongoDB\Model\BSONArray"
                  "document" => "MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument"
                  "root" => "MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument"
                +writeConcern: WriteConcern {#406}
              #readPreference: ReadPreference {#372}
              #writeConcern: WriteConcern {#406}
            #numRetries: 0
            #loggerCallable: array:2 [
              0 => AggregateLogger {#330}
              1 => "logQuery"
          -queuedInserts: []
          -queuedUpserts: []
          -cm: CriteriaMerger {#286}
          -cp: CollectionPersister {#310
            -dm: DocumentManager {#282 …13}
            -pb: PersistenceBuilder {#276}
            +"uow": UnitOfWork {#373}
          +"hydratorFactory": HydratorFactory {#287}
      -collectionPersister: CollectionPersister {#310}
      -persistenceBuilder: PersistenceBuilder {#276}
      -parentAssociations: []
      -lifecycleEventManager: LifecycleEventManager {#364
        -dm: DocumentManager {#282 …13}
        -evm: ContainerAwareEventManager {#323}
        -uow: UnitOfWork {#373}
      -embeddedDocumentsRegistry: []
    -mongoData: array:2 [
      0 => array:2 [
        "_id" => MongoId {#401
          -objectID: ObjectID {#400
            +"oid": "59708b6ad6faef0c7061486b"
        "name" => "Region1"
      1 => array:2 [
        "_id" => MongoId {#288
          -objectID: ObjectID {#316
            +"oid": "59708b6ad6faef0c7061486c"
        "name" => "Region2"
    -hints: []
  #suburbs: PersistentCollection {#458}

I am following this tutorial for reference

@devqualwebs that data is not coming from database, the var_dump is just showing you everything including dependencies of a DocumentManager - please see my answer here: doctrine/mongodb-odm#1622 (comment)

Thank you for your response @malarzm. So, Is this a right way to get data from mongodb? Because, So much data to render in view for these less data (shown below) may take more time to load. I just want data in simple format like this:

	"_id" : ObjectId("5975e47bd6faef31cc3f0666"),
	"name" : "South Australia",
	"code" : "SA",
	"cities" : [
			"_id" : ObjectId("5975e47bd6faef31cc3f0667"),
			"name" : "Adelaide"
			"_id" : ObjectId("5975e47bd6faef31cc3f0668"),
			"name" : "Port Lincoln"

All that is transparent to you, when you iterate through $city->getRegions() you'll get only Region instances.