
Start writing samples for ASP.NET Core Integration with identity servers

dodyg opened this issue · 9 comments

dodyg commented

Now that ID5 is a commercial product (good on them), keycloak is a good alternative

Maybe AWS Cognito?

dodyg commented

I haven't used them. We can just point to their samples. I assume they have plenty. But if they don't exist, I welcome a PR. I don't have amazon account.

Wow. Good list. I didn't know about a few of them until I was evaluating this 2-3 weeks ago. I think openiddict is the most popular candidate as an Identity Server replacement for a pure .NET solution. is also a good alternative

OpenIdDict has a fantastic list of samples covering all auth scenarios here:

So - are we saying we should just copy those over to here i.e. to practical aspnet core > identity :)

OpenIdDict has a fantastic list of samples covering all auth scenarios here:

So - are we saying we should just copy those over to here i.e. to practical aspnet core > identity :)

@dodyg OpenID Dict already has 6 to 7 samples on various flows ( do we want to copy them to this repo ?

dodyg commented

We should just link it to those samples. If we do samples, it should be something different.