
Add sample for gRPC HTTP

dodyg opened this issue · 6 comments

bcr commented

Do you want a port of the existing grpc samples to a new folder grpc-aspnet using the new API?

dodyg commented

Can you please elaborate more about the new APIs?

bcr commented
  1. You said with the title "Add sample for gRPC HTTP"
  2. I interpreted that to mean "please create a sample that uses the API that is documented at this location"
  3. I saw on the main branch that there is already a set of GRPC examples, but those do not use the API that is documented at the provided URL
  4. My offer was to port those examples

If this issue is already under control on another branch that isn't referenced by this issue, my mistake.

dodyg commented

Ah thanks for the clarification. Those referenced APIs are already implemented here (5 samples)

It's my fault for not closing this case.

bcr commented

No problem -- I'm doing some hacktoberfest contributions, so I was looking at the issues in your repo.