
Create samples for Razor Component Tag Helper library

dodyg opened this issue · 7 comments

dodyg commented

This library looks genuinely useful.

Hello, @dodyg I am interested in working on this.

dodyg commented

@Joose1992 awesome

dodyg commented

You can create probably around 10 samples out of this library. Start from a very single step then make it a sample. The smaller the sample, the better. You just need to highlight one technique or one feature of the library at a time.

You can create probably around 10 samples out of this library. Start from a very single step then make it a sample. The smaller the sample, the better. You just need to highlight one technique or one feature of the library at a time.

Hello, @dodyg I have been digging into the library and can't find 10 different functionalities to make 10 different samples. do you really need 10?

dodyg commented

Let's start with one first and we go from there.

dodyg commented


  • Add bin/ and obj/ to your .gitignore file so they are not added to the commit
  • Remove extra items from the sample such as ErrorView and _ValidationScriptsPartial.cshtml. Strip as many extra files and codes as possible. This way your sample can become smaller. The smaller the better.