
Token? (OAuth flow support)

magnushasselquist opened this issue Β· 13 comments

So happy I have found this integration.
From Nordigen I get "secret id", "secret key", and by using them I can retrieve the "access token" as well as a "refresh token".
What is in more detail, the "token" needed in the configuration, is it the id, key or access-token, as per above, or a combination?

Ah, seems they have changed authentication. So previously you would just generate an API key and use it. Now there is a full oAuth flow.

I'll look into this and get it implemented.

Turned into a little bit of a project :D. New version posted soon 🀞🏻

@magnushasselquist Mostly implemented now, I'll do a bit of testing with this new version and push a new integration release soon. πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

Hey ! Just to tell you that i'm really interested to ;p

It's mostly working but i've side tracked into config flow. I need to finalise as I want it too :D (maybe a bit of HACS is needed for installation).

The biggest side track though, was the 11000 SEK electricity bill in December, had to do some emergency heating automations which took a while to sort out as I had hardware issues :/

Hi! Just to check on status :) Anything I could help out with?

Yo, taken some time off this but was actually just looking at it over the weekend. Can't do too much till next week, will push something up then.

Last I recall just needing a bit more unit testing on the config flow and finalising the steps. The whole dev toolchain I was using was lame but I now found the integration blueprint so hopefully will be more fun to work on...

Let me migrate it all to that setup and then we can see what more is needed

Also very interested - hope you get it up and running! :-)

Good news, I've got the code migrated and setup using the integration blueprint so there will be a better workflow for development and HACS support for easy install.

Most tests working, need to finish off the config flow.

NICE !! looking forward to test it !

Is this being implemented or is the add-on decommissioned?