
Warning: A props object containing a "key" prop is being spread into JSX

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Latest version

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Current behavior ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

When I use the SelectElement I see this warning in console:

Warning: A props object containing a "key" prop is being spread into JSX:
  let props = {key: someKey, value: ..., disabled: ..., children: ...};
  <ForwardRef(MenuItem) {...props} />
React keys must be passed directly to JSX without using spread:
  let props = {value: ..., disabled: ..., children: ...};
  <ForwardRef(MenuItem) key={someKey} {...props} />
    at /Users/stickb/Code/dos/lighthouse/ui/.next/server/chunks/31a1f_react-hook-form-mui_dist_esm_db5d8f._.js:836:15
    at div
    at div
    at FeedbackLayout (/Users/stickb/Code/dos/lighthouse/ui/.next/server/chunks/src_app_(shell)_feedback_[id]_7f8e10._.js:220:13)
    at Feedback (/Users/stickb/Code/dos/lighthouse/ui/.next/server/chunks/src_app_(shell)_feedback_[id]_7f8e10._.js:80:13)
    at ...

Expected behavior ๐Ÿค”

No warning.

Steps to reproduce ๐Ÿ•น


Use SelectElement like:

<SelectElement control={control} fullWidth name="status" options={[{ id: "Pending", label: "Pending"}, {id: "In Progress", label: "In Progress" }]} />

can you make a reproduction? I dont see this warning

closed until a repro is provided

I have the same issue in a NextJS 14 environment. It has started to happen with the 7 beta version, it's not happening on the 6.x environment. I'm trying too look into it and trying to find where its coming from.

@waza-ari, thank you. I've been trying to find the time to reproduce. Will get to it eventually. If you could help that would be awesome.

I found several issues regarding NextJS and MUI (seems to be connected with Autocomplete)


But I currently don't know what to do and don't use NextJS myself in any project right now

It might be related to this NextJS issue: mui/material-ui#39833, also mentioned on a SO thread. I'm Daniel on this thread asking to confirm what this issue is about.

As far as I can tell it might be about waiting for an upstream fix. The element itself seems to work just fine

The same now also happens in Vite with React 18.3

Any chance of a release with this fix? Still experiencing it with with Vite + React. Thanks guys!

which version are you using? fix is released in v7

Ah, I was on the 7.0.0-beta release. Confirmed fixed in 7.0.0. Thanks guys!