
Error line 101

rodrigorbonfim opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, in the IRIS3 project, has an error on line 101, to correct the folder, replace the gcloud service list with the command below:
done < <(gcloud services list | tail -n +2)

done < <(gcloud services list --format="value(,config.title)")

Thank you! What sort of error message do you get? Also, what do you mean by "folder" here?

I see that your --format approach is cleaner than taking tail to eliminate the header. And given we are doing that, the second field is config.title not needed.

I have implemented your recommendation, thanks again.

I had used Google Translate, I'm from Brazil and I don't speak English.

About "folder" was wrong translation, it would be "to fix the problem";

About the error message, unfortunately I don't have it anymore. I forgot to take a print.

No problem. Thank you for letting me know. How do you use Iris3? I am always interested in knowing how my open-source project is getting used. You can answer here, or if you prefer, please email me at info @ joshuafox . com (delete spaces)

The fix to

done < <(gcloud services list --format="value(")

, as discussed, is merged to master