
0x6005 error

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Unable to load them. Ends with error 0x6005. Error code not present in the documentation.

I got this working by following instructions from the Author i found in a forum. Essentially i used the following command from SSH in the DownloadStations sbin folder:
./ds-addon -c limetorrents

This creates a new search provider for limetorrents. Then i copied in the file from this repo into the addons/ folder, and fixed a couple of errors.

  1. PHP no longer allows duplicate parameters, so on line 45 i changed the unused parameters to have names
    FROM $success = function ($_, $_, $_, $body, $_) use(&$page, &$found, &$limit) {
    TO $success = function ($_unused1, $_unused2, $_unused3, $body, $_unused4) use(&$page, &$found, &$limit) {

  2. the proxy no longer exists. So i changed line 3 to have the current web address for limetorrents
    FROM const SITE = ""; // use a proxy because go into localhost in my QNAP.
    TO const SITE = "";

With these two changes the provider search stopped erroring and returned results.
I would make a pull request to fix it, but i'm not sure how to regenerate the key and this repo when added from the web browser needs to have the correct hash

I haven't tried the other providers in this repo, only limetorrents, but i suspect they are all similar errors as they all error with the same code

Getting the same error. Any chance of the files being updated and uploaded?