
Error when trying to schedule backups

maximilianschmitt opened this issue · 1 comments


I'm getting the following error when trying to schedule a backup for every night at 2am using the following command:

$ ssh dokku mysql:backup-schedule testservice "0 2 * * *" testservice-bucket-backups
Invalid flag provided, only '--use-iam' allowed

Am I doing something wrong? I can successfully trigger backups manually:

$ ssh dokku mysql:backup testservice testservice-bucket-backups
2018-08-17-09-48-21: The backup for mysql-testservice finished successfully.

Thanks for your help!

Sorry for the premature issue. It has something to do with me running the command over SSH. If I log into the dokku server as root and run the command from there, it works.

I'm suspecting that it has to do with the spaces, although I also tried escaping them like so:

ssh dokku mysql:backup-schedule testservice "0\ 2\ *\ *\ *" testservice-bucket-backups

...without success. :(