
Dokku website not reachable from ipv6-only machine

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Description of problem

I just started using dokku on a Hetzner cloud server, which I had configured to use ipv6 only.

The wget to the dokku install script always failed with "network is unreachable" (other wgets to e.g. the dokku logo as well). Once I added ipv4 to my cloud server I could connect.

It seems that your website is not supporting ipv6 connectivity (AAAA records):

Steps to reproduce

  1. configure a host to ipv6 only
  2. perform "wget"

dokku report $APP_NAME


Additional information

No response

Output of failing commands after running: dokku trace:off

No response

Output of failing commands after running: dokku trace:on

No response

If I add AAAA records, how can I test that the site is reachable from ipv6?

website has SSL issue for me as well

Screenshot 2024-02-14 093112

If I add AAAA records, how can I test that the site is reachable from ipv6?

Maybe with this?

BTW for testing connectivity to v4 or v6 only website you can use:


PS github doesn't support ipv6 yet:

@killa-kyle you almost certainly aren't seeing the same issue, as this covers "not reachable" issues, not "curl protocol errors". Please open a separate ticket so we can track that.

I setup an AAAA record pointing at the new IPv6 ip for the dokku server. Do you mind checking it out @tauinger-de ?

Looks fine! I could connect from my Hetzner server and the other two online tests are positive, too.

Nice! Closing :)