
Ubuntu 24.04 support

Opened this issue · 5 comments

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New Ubuntu LTS was released yesterday, and it's not possible to install Dokku on it.

Yep, that sounds right since it was released yesterday. The packages themselves should work if you manually install it, but they haven't been released for Ubuntu 24.04 just yet as I haven't had time to do any actual testing.

In addition to Dokku itself, the following repositories will all need updates in order to publish their packages to Ubuntu 24.04:

If you (or @Reggino) would like to contribute those PRs (usually to the Makefile) to add that support, I can get those merged/released, and then work on the official support for Dokku.

All that is left now is sigil and herokuish. I'm working on ensuring these all get release automation at the same time, so adding support in the future should be a simple PR + a manual workflow trigger!

@josegonzalez When do you plan to release a version of dokku that supports ubuntu server 24.04?

Probably whenever I get to figuring out how to automate the herokuish release, and whatever the bug is in the latest sigil that prevents the new package from working. If you have time and want to dig into the sigil packaging issue, that would be awesome!