
Please implement excerpts and a "read more..." macro

Opened this issue · 3 comments

It would be most helpful if the aggregated list of blog articles would only display excerpts and reveal the full page when clicking on its title or on a kind of "read more..." or simply "more..." link at the end of the excerpt.

This could be easily done by creating a simple dummy macro called {{more}} which in the page itself renders as nothing but serves as a delimiter for previews in an article list. One important thing would be to still be able to see the tags, regardless of whether or not they are listed at the end of the article's source.

It would be nice if the text displayed by the {{more}} macro allowed for simple / custom localization, perhaps in the form of some additional config tiddler which would not be overwritten by plugin updates.

Does the ' firstseconly' flag help with this?

There is a workaround. Because the post is automatically cut off and a "-> Read more..." is added when there is a heading in the blog post, you can create an empty heading where you would usually put a {{more}}, e.g. ===== =====.

Sorry, a little confused atm, I thought this was for a different project.