
Markup not rendered

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I´ve just upgraded Dokuwiki to the most recent version, also the plugins, i.e. blog, include etc. Now I have the issue that the wiki-markup isn´t rendered in the blog page. All texts lost their linebreks and links are shown as if the link target does not exist. If I open the blog article pages the markup is rendered as expected so I think the markup got lost maybe in the include-plugin.

Unfortunately the wiki isn´t public so I cannot provide a URL but upon request I can provide pictures to show the problem.

The wiki runs ontop of an Debian Squeeze /w Apache 2.2.15 and PHP 5.3.2-1

Do you get any PHP errors (did you check your logs?).

Hello, I´ve set "php_flag display_errors on" in the Apache config but no hints on problems in the error.log.

Here are two screenshots showing the problem:

the main blog page without rendered markup:

the blog article page with rendered markup:



I see your page is in german, maybe it is the same bug i had? Look here:


It's actually possible that this has been fixed in the include plugin in the meantime. Could you please try again if this problem still exists?

please close - too old.