
No Entry is shown and only new entry form is visible

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I am trying to get that plugin working with Release 2013-12-08 "Binky" of dokuwiki.

I created a page blog:start that should be the starting point.
Inserted this line:

Creating new blog pages works but blog:start stays empty.

NOCACHE does not change anything.

Any idea what is wrong or what do i need further to get it running?

helper_plugin_blog::getBlog() 118: Return Value:
array(0) {

Ok that could be a reason for an empty display.

Is it possible that you have hidden the pages with the hidepages configuration option? Is the array in line 60 in helper.php (i.e. directly after the search call) non-empty?

$pages is nonempty
if (isHiddenPage($id)) continue; isHiddenPage is 1

ok there has been a wrong regular expression in the hidepages config field.

lol now i have 2 new entry forms xD
now it is only one form left xD

Well it works again... just a little bit trial and error and some coffee ,)