
Changing the owner of a task with DW "Anteater" doesnt show in tasklist

DjSlash opened this issue · 6 comments

When we change the owner of a task, it doesn't change it on the tasklist. I'm sure this wasn't an issue before, so I'm guessing it has something to do with the newer DW version. Since I'm not really into the DW (plugin) code, I don't know where to start looking for a fix.

Could you tell us a DW-version where it is displayed correct?

I used to have Lemming before upgrading and as far as I know it worked there.

The problem is caused by the check "&& $ACT == 'save'" in task.php line 67. Since there was a change in the metadata-system the $ACT variable won't get equal "save" after pressing the Save button. You could remove the condition to get it back working, but would that would be rather a dirty hack. This causes e.g. old status information is written into the *.task metafile when you browse old revisions of a task page.

(DW commit which causes the error: dokuwiki/dokuwiki@ee4d22e)

I dont mind for now to have a dirty fix. However, I'd like to find a better solution in the long end. If only I had the time to dig into it.

Please update to current version.

Fixed by 0f455d7