
getMatchByTournamentCode requires Tournament API key

Closed this issue · 4 comments

getMatchByTournamentCode methode is always returning LeagueAPI: Forbidden for me. The method is using the default LeagueAPI::SET_KEY. When I change my API Key to the tournament API, it works.

Think it should be using the LeagueAPI::SET_TOURNAMENT_KEY instead for this methode.

You are right of course, thanks for the notice! Should be fixed on master.

Pulled master. Sadly, it's still not working. Somehow it's still using LeagueAPI::SET_KEY. Other Tournament endpoints doesn't work either like getTournamentCodeData

$api = new LeagueAPI([
    LeagueAPI::SET_KEY             => $apiKey,
    LeagueAPI::SET_TOURNAMENT_KEY  => $tournamentApikey,
    LeagueAPI::SET_REGION          => Region::EUROPE_WEST,
    LeagueAPI::SET_INTERIM         => false,

$matchdata = $api->getMatchByTournamentCode($matchId, $tournamentCode);

You do have your API key approved for Tournament endpoints by Riot, right?

Yes, I was able to create Tournamentcodes (in Riot Dev Portal) and used it to run a testgame.

I also get a success response for getMatchByTournamentCode and getTournamentCodeData when I use the Tournament API key for LeagueAPI::SET_KEY

$api = new LeagueAPI([
    LeagueAPI::SET_KEY             => $tournamentApikey,
    LeagueAPI::SET_TOURNAMENT_KEY  => $tournamentApikey,
    LeagueAPI::SET_REGION          => Region::EUROPE_WEST,
    LeagueAPI::SET_INTERIM         => false,