
If there a Manual Way to Trigger Could you Doc it in the README?

LevonBecker opened this issue · 3 comments

If there is a manual way to trigger and test the sitemap.xml gen with a php command that would be great to have in the

I figured out that making a post/article change it kicked it off. Which was good, I had to adjust my Nginx config to allow access to the the style sheet for the sitemap.xml to display right. I had this (Still learning Nginx conf hackage):

(This Breaks this Extension)

location ^~ /extensions/ { internal; }

(Adding this fixed it)

location = /extensions/AutoSitemap/sitemap.xsl { allow all; }


Thanks for resurrecting the extension!

This extension generates new sitemap at every page change event - add, edit, delete, import, upload, etc. So if you want to test it - just save any page, even with null edit.

Perfect thanks! Hope those Nginx settings help others.