
load plugin error

yuuuxt opened this issue · 3 comments

dolphindb: dolphindb/dolphindb:v2.00.7
plugin: downloaded from release200 branch

hbase plugin: successfully loaded (2nd time load notification: The module [hbase] is already in use.)

parquet plugin: Couldn't load the dynamic library [/dolphindb/etc/]: /dolphindb/etc/ undefined symbol: _ZN6Domain8addTableERKSsS1_RSt6vectorI10ColumnDescSaIS3_EERS2_IiSaIiEE

xgboost plugin: Couldn't load the dynamic library [/dolphindb/etc/]: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I deployed a single node on centos7 and then loaded the plugin, and it worked。


could you provide more information, like what docker image you used?

if "deploy" means you are not using docker, it's very likely you can reproduce what I met using docker.

I didn't use docker. I try deploying dolphindb with docker