Can Iter function return a boolean if it's stopped?
mhmtszr opened this issue · 1 comments
Currently, I'm developing the concurrent version of swiss-map
While implementing Range functions I couldn't stop the other shard because I didn't know the result of the callback functions thus I couldn't stop other shard iterations.
If the Iter function returns a boolean would be great for here what do you think?
Also, I'm open to your feedback about my concurrent-swiss-map implementation too.
I'm not entirely certain we should change the interface here. The boolean return seems poorly self-documenting in particular. A simple solution at the call-site is to keep track of this yourself:
func (m *CsMap[K, V]) Range(f func(key K, value V) (stop bool)) {
for i := 0; i < len(m.shards); i++ {
shard := m.shards[i]
var stop bool
shard.items.Iter(func(key K, value V) bool {
stop = f(key, value)
return stop
if stop {
I realize it's not beautiful...
Is there appreciable perf overhead to this approach?