[Bug]: [FromForm(Name = "file")] parameter
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Describe the bug
When using the [FromForm(Name = "file")] parameter, the swagger error code is as follows.
public IActionResult ImportData([FromForm(Name = "file")] IFormFile formFile)
List<MmMarbDto> list = new();
using (var stream = formFile.OpenReadStream())
list = stream.Query<MmMarbDto>(startCell: "A1").ToList();
return SUCCESS(_MmMarbService.ImportMmMarb(list.Adapt<List<MmMarb>>()));
08-29 10:51:08|::1|0HN67QLM2IATC|http://localhost/swagger/routine/swagger.json
Failed to generate Operation for action - Ams.WebApi.Controllers.Routine.InstCorpController.ImportData (Ams.WebApi). See inner exception
public IActionResult ImportData(IFormFile formFile)//[FromForm(Name = "file")]
List<MmMarbDto> list = new();
using (var stream = formFile.OpenReadStream())
list = stream.Query<MmMarbDto>(startCell: "A1").ToList();
return SUCCESS(_MmMarbService.ImportMmMarb(list.Adapt<List<MmMarb>>()));
Swagger is normal when not in use.
6.5 The following versions are normal using [FromForm(Name = "file")].
Expected behavior
No response
Actual behavior
No response
Steps to reproduce
No response
Exception(s) (if any)
No response
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore version
.NET Version
net 8.0
Anything else?
No response
Please provide a minimal reproducible example as a GitHub repository that demonstrates the issue you're experiencing so we can look into this further.
The code snippet as-written isn't particularly useful for debugging as it references code you haven't provided.
Also provide details of the inner exception mentioned in the error, particularly its stack trace.
From v6.6.x and onward Swashbuckle will throw an error when a user uses FromForm attribute with IFormFile in controller methods.
Have a look at this documentation for more information :
Handle Forms and File Uploads